May 7, 2019 by Marisa Roffman

Arrow — “Living Proof” — Image Number: AR721b_0517r.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Colin Donnell as Tommy Merlyn and Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow — Photo: Jack Rowand/The CW — é 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Let’s talk about Monday night’s TV!
LEGENDS OF TOMORROW: THIS BONKERS SHOW. God, who would have thought a nipple would cause so much trouble?? (That was a weird sentence to write.)
When Sara and Mick talked about being the last of the originals Legends, it was a little startling to realize how that was (almost) true. (The caveat is if Ray’s gone, but I doubt he’s gone-gone.) It’s incredible how well this show works, even though it has lost some incredible actors along the way.
THE VOICE: One of the biggest challenges of these types of shows is knowing the difference between a fun song and one that actually suits your voice. The disservice of the “fan choice” week is a number of contestants were given the absolutely wrong songs…in a stage when 5/13 of them will be kicked out with no safety net. (“Shallow”?! Oh come on.)
That being said: Maelyn came relatively out of nowhere and gave by far the performance of the night. She is legitimately the only contestant this week where I will be enraged if she’s not back.
ARROW: Here’s the thing about the future timeline—knowing Roy was alive there made his big “sacrifice” anticlimactic. I also stand by that if it stands, it’s a horribly depressing way to think this story might conclude. Literal best case scenario is the team pretty much can’t save the city, and Oliver can’t raise either of his kids.
I loved, loved, loved having Tommy back; his friendship with Oliver is still a hole the show can’t (and shouldn’t) fill. I really wish it wasn’t in service of trying to prop up Oliver’s half-sister. Especially because she, again, stabbed him in the back.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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