NBC Sets DOWNTON ABBEY Special - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Monday, February 24, 2025


September 4, 2019 by  

Downton Abbey Special

RETURN TO DOWNTON ABBEY — Pictured: “Return to Downton Abbey” Key Art — (Photo by: NBCUniversal)

Prior to DOWNTON ABBEY returning with its fall film, NBC is showcasing the series with an upcoming special.

Per NBC, the hourlong special, which will be hosted by Derek Hough, “will talk to the cast about what made the series so unique and appealing to millions, as well as how the series easily segues into the feature film.” “Return to Downton Abbey: A Grand Event” will air Thursday, September 19 at 8/7c.

Additionally, famous fans of the franchise will talk about their love of the show.

The DOWNTON ABBEY film, which was written by Julian Fellowes and directed by Michael Engler, will hit theaters on September 20.

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