DOG’S MOST WANTED Exclusive Clip: Dog and Beth Go on a Wild Car Chase in ‘Beth’s Final Hunt’
October 22, 2019 by Marisa Roffman

Credit: WGN America
DOG’S MOST WANTED prepares to say goodbye Beth Chapman—who passed away on June 26, following a battle with cancer—as the series documents her final hunt on the Wednesday, October 23 episode. (The second part of the episode airs the following week.)
In the exclusive clip below, Beth and her husband Dog (along with their team of bounty hunters) go on a high-speed chase to track down Leo Trujillo, an alleged robber, who is on the run in a red car. Though Beth is sick, she’s raring to go, ready to taze the suspect.
Check out what comes next!
DOG’S MOST WANTED, Wednesdays, 9/8c, WGN America
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Filed under Dog's Most Wanted
She is miss she is a strong and a beautiful women god bless her loves