About Last Night...GREY'S ANATOMY, SUPERSTORE, LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT, and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Thursday, March 13, 2025


November 1, 2019 by  


GREY’S ANATOMY – “Whistlin’ Past the Graveyard” – Alex is hoping to impress investors at Pac-Gen North, but when he hears disturbing news about skeletons on the construction site grounds, he enlists Richard to help with distraction tactics. Teddy feels the pressure to be super-mom after tasking herself with creating original Halloween costumes for Allison and Leo, while Meredith fears she won’t make it home in time for trick-or-treating with her kids. Elsewhere, Jackson tends to a pediatric patient who is upset she is spending her Halloween in a hospital on “Grey’s Anatomy,” THURSDAY, OCT. 31 (8:00-9:01 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Kelsey McNeal)

Let’s talk about Thursday night’s TV!

GREY’S ANATOMY: Oh my GOD, Amelia’s facial reactions during that disastrous lunch with Link’s (newly reunited) parents were everything. Jo and Alex getting legally married—in Halloween costumes, with a fake pregnancy announcement—was pretty perfect.

And props to the writers for the scene with DeLuca and Zola. I’ve really struggled with Meredith/DeLuca as a couple—I think partially because I binged the lead-up to their relationship and it never felt earned/plausible to me—but him comforting Zola about Derek was one of his finest moments.

SUPERSTORE: Right now, it feels like Jonah and Amy’s relationship is a slow-motion trainwreck. This is not saying they’re bad, this is not saying this is what’s actually going to happen, and it’s definitely not what I actually want to happen. But it feels like enough pieces are being set in motion for them to blow up that each time another is added, I cringe.

On a lighter note, Mateo and Cheyenne thinking Dina was a serial killer was great. As was Garrett totally messing with Glenn.

THE GOOD PLACE: Man, this final season has been a disappointment. I know it’s early (ish; we basically hit the halfway point last night) and it could pick up, but part of the charm was the group going through everything together. Chidi’s exclusion—and infrequent interaction with most of the core group—has left a hole in the series. And most of the new characters are…really not great. I miss what the show was. I really hope it gets better before it ends.

A MILLION LITTLE THINGS: I’ve spent months worried that Colin was going to die, so I spent the entirety of the episode dreading the reveal. The unexpected gut punch that he was fine…but they found his real owner? Oouuuuucccccccccccccccch. I logically know that Gary should return him, but how do you do that after a year? How heartbreaking is that going to be?

WILL & GRACE: On the bright side, this was better than the premiere. However, how the heck did Grace not look at the freaking paternity results for her child? She doesn’t want them in their lives? Fine! Even if she wants to do it without the father’s help/support/financial aid, that’s totally cool. But, uh, shouldn’t she want health information so her kid isn’t totally in the dark about one half of their family?

LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT: Guillermo Diaz was great and he should really be acting more. (Please, TV Gods.) The case itself was interesting and tragic; Carlos’ pain was simple and heartbreaking. Carisi has been great in his ADA role, and being able to utilize his power/connections for good.

I’m a bit torn over the Simon move. It was awful for Olivia and handled as well as possible—especially the grief about a final encounter not being what you wanted—but this is a time where the mechanics of television are occasionally rough. Simon hadn’t been on the series in years; he was so removed from Olivia’s life that he didn’t even know she had a son! In a world where actor availability and guest star costs weren’t a thing, it would have been nice to see that play out over a few episodes. Olivia would have been absolutely justified to not let him into her life—or Noah’s life!—that fast. But they went from randomly bumping into each other–>stood up for lunch–>him being dead in under an hour. Part of the point felt like it was Olivia was grieving the idea of him (and family) versus the person himself, but that also could have just as easily been established if they had never bumped into each other at all and she was called to ID his body. The “what if”s would be painful no matter what.

Which shows did you watch last night?

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