THE MAGICIANS Gets January Return
December 2, 2019 by Marisa Roffman

The Magicians season 5 poster. Credit: Syfy
THE MAGICIANS’ fifth season will launch Wednesday, January 15, Syfy announced.
Per the network, “Last season, magic was saved, but at a terrible cost: the life of Quentin Coldwater, who died heroically to save his friends— and the world. Julia, Alice, Eliot, Margo, Penny and their friends (and frenemies) must learn to navigate a world without him. Now, a new threat has arisen: in freeing magic, the balance tipped the other way and there’s too damn much of it, and as the excess builds, an apocalypse looms. Can the magicians get their shit together to save the world without Q?”
The series, based on the novels by Lev Grossman, stars Stella Maeve, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Hale Appleman, Arjun Gupta, Summer Bishil, Rick Worthy, Jade Tailor, Brittany Curran, and Trevor Einhorn. John McNamara, Sera Gamble, Henry Alonso Myers, and Chris Fisher serve as executive producers.
Watch the new trailer for THE MAGICIANS season 5!
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