About Last Night…CHICAGO MED, SCHOOLED, CHICAGO P.D., and More
January 23, 2020 by Marisa Roffman

CHICAGO P.D. — “The Devil You Know” Episode 712 — Pictured: (l-r) Tracy Spiridakos as Det. Hailey Upton, Lisseth Chavez as Vanessa Rojas — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Let’s talk Wednesday night’s TV!
THE GOLDBERGS: It was absolutely brilliant to record Barry’s voice via a mini keyboard, even if Geoff did end up panicking. I do love that Beverly figured out the truth about Erica’s living arrangements and didn’t totally meltdown, though—progress!
CHICAGO MED: The kids stuck together reminded me of the infamous GREY’S ANATOMY episode “Into You Like a Train.”
How did Natalie not pick up on the fact that Crockett clearly lost a kid? Oy. Not that the show needs more trauma, but very curious what happened there.
SCHOOLED: Anyone else full-body cringe at the thought of school dress codes? But it was lovely that Liz and Lainey were able to come to a compromise. Also, Mellor and Julie are absolutely adorable? I loved that they found ways to be together, even if they’re doing their own thing.
CHICAGO FIRE: I know Cruz-Foster-Brett won’t be living together long (especially with Cruz’s upcoming wedding around the corner), but I hope we get to dig into that dynamic before it ends. And, hey, Stella and Severide are going to move in together, which is very sweet. (It also feels like almost an inevitability they’ll be engaged by the end of the year?)
MODERN FAMILY: Look, I give Alex credit: at least she tried to do the opposite of Rachel on FRIENDS and hired the responsible assistant choice. (At least at first.)
CHICAGO P.D.: Shouldn’t Voight have at least asked Darius before he outed him as a CI? Of course there was no way he was going to take the reveal well.
But, uh, Darius’ death was absolutely grotesque. And a level of petty I can’t imagine…who takes the time to catch a rat??
I do wonder how much this will mess up Upton going forward. Halstead warned her about going too far. Voight admitted he had to turn a part of himself off to survive what he does and if she doesn’t do the same, it’ll eat her alive. So does she shut down now? Spiral?
Which shows did you watch last night?
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