February 5, 2020 by Marisa Roffman

The Flash — “Marathon” — Image Number: FLA610b_0148b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Candice Patton as Iris West – Allen, David Ramsey as John Diggle/Spartan and Grant Gustin as Barry Allen — Photo: Katie Yu/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Let’s talk about Tuesday night’s TV!
THE FLASH: It’s insane that in all of the changes I pondered post-“Crisis,” it honestly never dawned on me to question which version of Wells we’d get. Also, does this mean we’re just…stuck with this Wells for the rest of the series?
I’m bummed, even if I understand the logistics of it, Diggle came into THE FLASH world so soon post-ARROW finale without being able to follow-up on his mini-cliffhanger. But I do like the notion that certain ARROW characters might just pop up in the ARROWverse, even with the series now officially over.
It’s also strange to go into a massive change in the ARROWverse and know Barry isn’t responsible for it. GROWTH.
Curious what they’ll do with Cisco going forward. He’s been fairly miserable for a bit of time, so what will this sabbatical actually mean?
LEGENDS OF TOMORROW: The intro of the episode brought me so much joy. (It feels weird to say that, but with LEGENDS, everything is on the table.)
Also, Ava’s inability to sing—but imagining this grand performance—made me laugh out loud.
I’m a little bit worried about the Zuri storyline, but I truly hope the show can handle it correctly in the midst of the madness.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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