March 26, 2020 by Marisa Roffman

THE GOLDBERGS – “Schmoopie’s Big Adventure” – Mother and son have a bonding experience when Beverly buys a bicycle for Adam just like the one from “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure,” while Barry and Erica turn Murray’s furniture store into an after-hours lounge for college students, on an all-new episode of “The Goldbergs,” WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 (8:00-8:30 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Raymond Liu)
Let’s talk about Wednesday night’s TV!
CHICAGO MED: Good God, Will, step back. There’s isn’t an exception to starting a relationship with a just-sober former addict. Also, the Ethan and April situation seems super not healthy right now…I hope they can start working stuff out away from the hospital so it doesn’t keep seeping into their work.
And Maggie and Ben are getting a kid, huh?
THE GOLDBERGS: Oh my God, even without seeing PEE-WEE’S BIG ADVENTURE (I know, I know), Adam and Beverly’s antics were absolutely delightful.
THE MASKED SINGER: It definitely felt like the right person went home. But I’m also curious what next week will feel like since it’s been so long since so many of the previous group’s contestants performed.
SCHOOLED: Oh, poor CB. He just wants to be liked.
CHICAGO FIRE: Brett…needs a hug. My God. It feels absolutely like a kick in the gut that she just got to meet her birth mother—and now her new sister is going to have to grow up completely without their mother.
On a lesser note, poor Casey with that Reddit mystery. At least he didn’t have to deal with the kid whose arm he yanked out of its socket—even if it was done to save him—but then it wasn’t even about him. Whoops?
SEAL TEAM: Well, that felt like the calm before the storm. With so much brewing on the home front, it feels like the guys are going to be in a tough spot when they’re actually away. How much will that be boiling over back home—and amongst each other—during their three-month stint?
CHICAGO P.D.: Well, that escalated quickly. I truly expected the episode to be really Rojas-centered, but when it became clear how far Upton would to go to protect her, I still didn’t think Voight would effectively boot her from the team. (Nor did I expect her to actually cross over to FBI!)
Which shows did you watch last night?
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