April 21, 2020 by Marisa Roffman
Let’s talk about Monday night’s TV!
THE VOICE: Oh, man, Kelly Clarkson made the wrong call. With all due respect to Micah Iverson, Tayler Green demolished that round.
Hey, cross-promotion with SONGLAND when Team Blake’s Todd Michael Hall sang OneRepublic’s “Somebody to Love.”
PRODIGAL SON: I love this show so freaking much. What a deliciously twisted episode, both with Malcolm calling Martin “Sad” and Martin absolutely destroying the villainous guard (he may be charming with his “my boy”s, but, uh, still very much a killer) and the Whitley family reunion. And holy Jessica and Gil kiss?! After Malcolm sorts through that whole “getting arrested for murder” thing—which, goodness, Jessica will not respond well to, assuming it was real versus a dream—it’s going to be interesting to see how he reacts to his mother’s potential relationship with his father figure.
Also: I want to be Dani when I grow up. My goodness, she’s a badass.
SONGLAND: I was curious how invested I would be in this episode because I know Luis Fonsi’s music a lot less well than I knew Lady A (or most of the season 1 artists), so I couldn’t as easily pinpoint, “Oh, yes, this sounds like a Luis Fonsi song.” But, hell, “Sway” made me, well, sway from the start. A great song that should have success.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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