June 24, 2020 by Marisa Roffman

AMERICA’S GOT TALENT — “Auditions” — Pictured: Alan Silva — (Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC)
Let’s talk about Tuesday night’s TV!
AMERICA’S GOT TALENT: Well, I literally screamed when the Bone Breakers’ member started twisting his neck beyond any sort of sane human ability. My goodness. Noooooooo thank you, do not want, please and thank you, nope. (That also goes for Chef Boy Bonez and his eyes. Noooooooo thank you.)
On the flip side, Alan Silva made me cry. He was so talented; I can’t imagine being able to move like that. And his kids running on stage and cheering for him?! My heart grew like a thousand sizes.
But BB’s routine did make me wonder how the show might handle bigger groups like this if they have to film remotely. Do they get an automatic invitation to next season and bypass this year? Do they quarantine them together?
Which shows did you watch last night?
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