About Last Night...AGENTS OF SHIELD - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote


July 30, 2020 by  


MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. -“Stolen” – After Enoch’s sacrifice propelled them out of the time storm, the team arrives back in 1983 where Nathanial and Kora are hard at work building an army of hand-selected anarchist Inhumans at Afterlife. When the agents split up to cover more ground, Daisy is tasked with protecting Jiaying and is compelled to confront her mother for the first time since her death; while the others quickly learn they’ll need to face yet another supercharged former enemy in order to stop Malick on “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” airing WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 (10:00–11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. – (ABC/Jessica Brooks)

Let’s talk about Wednesday night’s TV!

AGENTS OF SHIELD: It’s kind of crazy there are only two episodes left, because it definitely does not feel like they are that close to the end. (I know they’re on their way to Fitz, but is he going to be in anything beyond the series finale?!)

But, man, Daisy and her mom broke my heart. I knew they were having too many lovely moments together for it to end well. (But, hey, we finally got the DOLLHOUSE reunion! Loved seeing Enver and Dichen together again, even if it was only for a moment.)

Also, how worried should we be for Simmons on a scale from 1-10? I’m currently at a 9, but am willing to go higher. Part of the problem is while I do think she will almost certainly survive the series, there’s absolutely no guarantee her figurative heart won’t be ripped out beforehand. (And I’m not betting everyone will survive, but my bets on that often change by the scene.)

Which shows did you watch last night?

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