About Last Night…HOLEY MOLEY and DON’T
July 31, 2020 by Marisa Roffman

Credit: ABC
Let’s talk about Thursday night’s TV!
HOLEY MOLEY: How do you putt through that fog?! Of all the distractions that they’ve thrown on that HOLEY MOLEY round, the blinding fog seems to be the most difficult. (Noise and people you can try to block out, but when you literally can’t see it?!) And yet one of the contestants actually made it through?!
DON’T: Uh, has any family been this bad at trivia questions before? I don’t think it was intentionally manipulated to give them so many rounds where they had to answer questions, but yiiiiiiiikes, this was often really, really painful.
Also, how the heck do people go the entire minute without blinking? I tried to see how long I could last and I could make it a BIT, but not that long. Also, when you do blink, I wonder what the rules are there. Like, can you spend 5 seconds closing your eyes or would that cost you extra money in that round? (It’s definitely possible I thought about this too much.)
Which shows did you watch last night?
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