November 19, 2020 by Marisa Roffman

CHICAGO P.D. — “White Knuckle” Episode 802 — Pictured: LaRoyce Hawkins as Kevin Atwater — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Let’s talk about Wednesday night’s TV!
CHICAGO MED: Uh, so, why should Will want to stay at the ED? Goodwin straight-up saying that he never was in contention for the promotion should be a dealbreaker? (Also…he has made some absolutely terrible choices in the past few years.)
Also, uh, Charles’ exes really aren’t having a good stretch, are they?
THE GOLDBERGS: Oh my God, the fact that the real Brea Bee played her own mother on the show? Absolutely incredible. And the reveal at the end made me want to immediately go back and rewatch the episode.
THE MASKED SINGER: Man, losing half the contestants from Group B was rough. But, uh, also, I cannot believe Lonzo Ball can kind of sing?! (He’s no Seahorse, but still.)
THE CONNERS: A character thinking they’re pregnant, but, surprise!!!!!!! menopause has been done a lot, but I still felt awful for Darlene.
CHICAGO FIRE: Oh, man, that Brett/Casey scene was absolutely painful. It is absolutely valid why Brett would be worried about Casey’s lingering feelings for Dawson, and also understandable (especially given their quasi-recent encounter) why Casey couldn’t truthfully write Dawson off. But ohhhhhhh boy, this is going to be awkward, especially given how long Brett and Casey avoided giving into the rising tension.
(Also, Ritter and Kidd for everything.)
I CAN SEE YOUR VOICE: Wow, it was super weird to see what had to be one of the first episodes of the show in the middle of the first season. Ken Jeong clarifying on Twitter this was filmed pre-COVID was good, because, yikes, people were so close! There was an audience!
But it was also fascinating how much they changed the show during the hiatus. (Normally, you wouldn’t see this many changes until the season ended and a new year kicked off.) Even the final prize was different and I’m torn about which method was better. On one hand, this way, at least people would get money no matter what. And this way also seemed to matter more how many you got correct in the earlier rounds vs. risking it all for the $100k at the end like the later episodes showcased.
CHICAGO P.D.: LaRoyce Hawkins has been incredible throughout this arc of Atwater taking a stand against corrupt, racist cops, and his final scene—where he essentially salvaged his career by telling Kenny if his threats and intimidation didn’t end, Atwater was willing to give up his career and out him as the racist he is—was among his best scenes of the series.
I’m also really glad Atwater was able to have agency over his story, as well; it would have been “easy” and maybe even understandable if Voight had been the one to fix it, but this felt right.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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