SEAL TEAM: What You Need to Know About the Season Premiere - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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SEAL TEAM: What You Need to Know About the Season Premiere

December 2, 2020 by  

SEAL TEAM returns tonight!

If you’re counting down the minutes for the show’s return, take a look at photos from tonight’s season premiere, and an episode tease…


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"God of War" -- Bravo Team enters enemy territory in the snowy Spin Ghar Mountain Range to capture Al-Hazred, the leader of a terrorist group and son of the terrorist leader that Jason took down early in his career, and made him Bravo One. When they are attacked, Jason and Cerberus, Bravo's canine member, are separated from the team, in part one of the two-part fourth season premiere of SEAL TEAM, Wednesday, Nov. 25 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. The dramatic season premiere was directed by Bravo One himself, David Boreanaz. Photo: Eric Ray/CBS ©2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

CBS’ description of the premiere:

“God of War” – “Bravo Team enters enemy territory in the snowy Spin Ghar Mountain Range to capture Al-Hazred, the leader of a terrorist group and son of the terrorist leader that Jason took down early in his career and made him Bravo One. When they are attacked, Jason and Cerberus, Bravo’s canine member, are separated from the team. Directed by David Boreanaz. RECURRING CAST: Justin Melnick (Brock Reynolds); Tyler Grey (Trent Sawyer); Scott Foxx (Full Metal); Judd Lormand (Lt. Cdr. Eric Blackburn). GUEST CAST: Parisa Fakhri (Naima Perry); Callard Harris (Curtis “Cujo” Johnson); Bailey Chase (Eddie Guzman); Tim Chiou (Michael “Thirty Mike” Chen); Joe Pistone (Romeo OIC); Jay Abdo (Asim Al-Hazred); Ali Eldein (Young Azfaar Al-Hazred).”

“Forever War” – “Bravo Team reunites with Jason and Cerberus, then go underground to search booby-trapped tunnels for terrorist leader Al-Hazred. GUEST CAST: Jessica Paré (Mandy Ellis); Adelaide Kane (Rebecca Bowen); Parisa Fakhri (Naima Perry); Emily Swallow (Natalie Pierce); Jamie McShane (Captain Lindell); Tim Chiou (Michael “Thirty Mike” Chen); James Ransone (Reiss Julian); Sameer Ali Khan (Azfaar Al-Hazred); Kenny Sheard (Romeo 1); Michael Beach (Chaplain Walker); Kaliayh Rhambo (Jameelah Perry).”

What you missed:

SEAL TEAM’s new season kicks off tonight at 9/8c on CBS.

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Filed under SEAL Team


One Response to “SEAL TEAM: What You Need to Know About the Season Premiere”

  1. Chaney on December 5th, 2020 9:06 am

    These were good but the exit of Mandy and the re cycling of a bad relationship in Natalie us a deal breaker. Don’t know why the showrunner s keep pushing this awful pairing, it’s about 12-23 eps now not happening for me. I’m done