January 22, 2021 by Marisa Roffman

SUPERSTORE — “Biscuit” Episode 607 — Pictured: (l-r) Lauren Ash as Dina, Mark McKinney as Glenn — (Photo by: Tina Thorpe/NBC)
Let’s talk about Thursday night’s TV!
MR. MAYOR: Uh, I don’t think they’re going to bring up the creepiness of them setting up a finsta account for a teen, but…that would be a huge scandal? Even if it was “just” about getting information about his daughter, yikes.
CELEBRITY WHEEL OF FORTUNE: Okay, I loved the HOLEY MOLEY team on WOF. They were both really cute in their support of each other, and also good at the game. There were some a) bad guesses and b) bad misses, but up there will the premiere as my favorite installment of the game so far.
WALKER: I’m always glad to see Jared Padalecki on my TV, but I’m a little wobbly on the show so far. It feels like the family and Ranger elements haven’t quite gelled together yet, but I’m hoping the pieces come together in later episodes. (Also, how weird is it to see Padalecki as a CW dad?!)
SUPERSTORE: CAROL. How the heck are they going to get out of this lawsuit, and, uh, how will it impact the store? Because you’d think they wouldn’t be able to fire Carol while this is ongoing, but is she going to make their lives miserable? Be overly nice? (Because, come on, we were all suspicious when she was the first one to donate money to Sandra, right?)
I’m excited to see Dina and Glenn co-manage the store. It’s going to be an absolute mess, but also possibly perfect? Their weird relationship has been lovely to watch develop, and it’s fun to remember when they aren’t absolutely hating each other, they work well together.
THE CHASE: Okay, this episode at least felt miserable when he contestant lost. He put up a good fight and the Champ wasn’t a total ass about it. Progress!
MOM: Adam and Bonnie remain the cutest. (And I’m not just saying that because of his love of tots.)
I feel awful for Jill, though, because she and Andy were very, very sweet, and it felt like that relationship was good for her, in terms of pushing her out of her comfort zone and being a bit more grounded. Jill has been the one most frequently to relapse, so I do really hope she can remain sober as she copes with her heartbreak.
LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT: Despite the fact that all three episodes this month were courtroom-focused, I appreciate that they all felt fundamentally different. We also really haven’t had this much time focused on Carisi in the courtroom, so I wonder if this will be it for the season, or if they’ll dip back into this world later. (Also, fingers crossed they bring that judge back. She was badass.)
I did love having Wentworth Miller back in a new way. I’m not sure how easily they’ll be able to incorporate Brooklyn’s Civil Rights Unit in the future—and the personal tie this go-round was smart, but obviously not something they can easily repeat—but I do hope he can pop up every year or so as needed.
I don’t expect them to come back to it, but I do hope that at some point if/when Rita returns, Olivia points out how absolutely uncomfortable and tone deaf the comment about lying there and taking it was. I get what the purpose of the scene was—Rita is looking at it as survival in a brutal world, and she’s trying to protect herself and give Olivia advice. But to direct a comment like that at someone who is a survivor of sexual assault and whose entire career for the past two-plus decades has been about advocating for survivors…it felt unnecessarily cruel of Rita. And it also felt like a pretty decisive turning point for the character? So we’ll see what they do with her if/when she shows up again.
THE HUSTLER: Okay, the Hustler got me this go-round. I figured it wasn’t the guy, because it felt like the four fantasy teams and the gun clue were misleading, but I couldn’t decide between the two women. I’m still not sure what I think of the show, but I’m still watching.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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