About Last Night...SUPERSTORE, LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT, MOM, and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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SUPERSTORE — “Depositions” Episode 610 — Pictured: (l-r) Maria Thayer as Hannah, Ben Feldman as Jonah — (Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC)

Let’s talk about Thursday night’s TV!

CELEBRITY WHEEL OF FORTUNE: Oh, the absolute awkwardness of Chris Harrison being a guest on the show.

Robert Herjavec’s joy over winning the final rounds was adorable, though.

SUPERSTORE: Oh, Jonah, trying so hard to defend Glenn…but Glenn was actually on top of things! What a pleasant (true) surprise. (Glenn: 1; Robot Glen: 0.)

As much I want Dina and Garrett together, I’m actually glad he got to break it off this go-round. While I think (hope?) they’ll reunite soon, he’s always been more aware of their connection, even when it drove him crazy. If they are going to have a chance, I think she really needs to contend with it, too, beyond the simple jealousy.

And, well, Jonah being on the verge of moving on would be really interesting…if the show’s end wasn’t around the corner. Sigh.

THE CHASE: Okay, always less satisfying when James Holzhauer wins, but I appreciate he was so respectful, for once, of the contestant taking him on.

I really wish there was more than ego involved for the champs when they win; seeing a civilian lose life-changing money isn’t exactly fun. In a perfect world, I wish the champ was playing for a charity, where even, like, ten percent of the pot would go to a good cause.

LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT: This was probably my favorite “multiple case storylines at once” episode in a bit, but I am a bit confused why they made such a point to have the sisters be a case from their past—albeit an off-screen one—and then not have one of the people who was around in that era take it? Frankly, since they came in asking for Munch or Cragen, it felt super natural for it to go to Fin, who was Munch’s partner. And Rollins could have taken the victim who met up with the imprisoned rapist?

(Though, also, my kingdom for them to bring back a real case from the earlier years. So many people made deals for 20-25 years—and the show has been on long enough to pay that off…)

But it was good. The guest stars were great. And I’m intrigued by Kat and Carisi’s odd dynamic—will they continue to butt heads or will they find some common ground, eventually?

Uh, and that final scene…we as an audience know that Elliot is about to return (in the next episode), but it certainly seems like Fin not only knows he’s back, but he thinks he might be there if/when Olivia accepts that award. So, um, how long has he known? How long have they been talking?

MOM: Oh, I’m so glad the show put the brakes on Jill/Trevor, because it felt so inappropriate, but comedies haven’t, uh, always respected that line. (Hi, HIMYM.) And, yes, this was different, because Trevor was only Jill’s friend’s therapist, but it still felt like a clear conflict.

Also, how lovely that Bonnie feels like such a grownup at this point? I hate losing this show, but at least she’s in such a good place.

THE HUSTLER: General rule feels like if the Hustler is okay with letting big questions get answered incorrectly and cost the team a fair amount of money, yeah, I’m okay with them losing and getting none of it.

CLARICE: I really loved getting a bit more insight into Esquivel. I remain in awe of how gorgeous the show feels; nothing on TV really feels quite like it.

Which shows did you watch last night?

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