GAME OF TALENTS Exclusive Clip: Can the Contestants Figure Out Nikki’s Secret Talent?
April 13, 2021 by Marisa Roffman

Game Of Talents: Contestants in the “Flying Dogs, Flipping Twists and Flaming Cocktails” episode of GAME OF TALENTS airing Wednesday, April 14 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR: FOX. © 2021 FOX Media LLC.
On the Wednesday, April 14 episode of Fox’s GAME OF TALENTS, contestants Gerrico & Arabia face off against Alfonso & Cayla to try and win up to $200,000.
In the exclusive video below, Gerrico and Arabia meet Nikki, who is either skilled in salsa dancing, cheerleading, a yo-yo sensation, a flying K-9 coach, flair bartender, trick roper, or extreme roller skater.
After watching her clue package, the duo are stumped, leaving Alfonso and Cayla to step in…and they may have picked up on a vital hint.
Watch the video to see what they spotted!
Do you think Alfonso spotted the key to solving Nikki’s talent?
GAME OF TALENTS, Wednesdays, 9/8c, Fox
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