April 14, 2021 by Marisa Roffman

NEW AMSTERDAM — “The Legend of Howie Cournemeyer” Episode 307 — Pictured: (l-r) Nora and Opal Clow as Luna Goodwin, Jamie Ann Romero as Dr. Val Tiwari, Ryan Eggold as Dr. Max Goodwin — (Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC)
Let’s talk about Tuesday night’s TV!
THE FLASH: Frost turning herself in…has to be a fake-out, yes? The girl who was going to break Caitlin out has to have a plan for herself, right?
PRODIGAL SON: I missed. these. characters.
I was shocked Simon was, essentially, one-and-done, because I thought he might cause a little more long-term damage. But this also left the door for him to return, because if he really kept the Whitlys in his sights for multiple episodes, well, he probably would have ended up dead. (Also, Simon thinking he was going to die had me literally laughing out loud. I love how wonderfully weird and funny this show can be.)
And, uh, yeah, Vivian and Martin’s coupling feels like it’s going to burn them both alive. (For more on what’s to come, here’s what the showrunners teased.)
BIG SKY: Well, this new family is twisted as hell. I love having Jenny and Cassie set in their partnership, but I’m curious what her having a tie/history to the family will mean for them. With the first run of episodes, they had a similar involvement due to the messiness of their ties to Cody.
Also…given the sheer number of Black people being killed by cops—always, enragingly, but certainly in the headlines now—it was absolutely chilling to see Cassie be so gruesomely handled…and not actually taken to the sheriff’s office.
SUPERGIRL: Lena donating Lex’s money was brilliantly deceptive. We should all aspire to be that level of petty and doing good.
As much as I miss Kara with her friends and family, I appreciate getting to see more of the other characters. I won’t mind if she returns next week, though, given this is the final season.
NEW AMSTERDAM: Oh man, that Kapoor bait-and-switch kind of broke my heart. I had wondered if/when he would return, and having the party set up made me think he would be back. And then…nope. (And, yes, he’s now officially gone.)
I frequently wish I lived in the NA world, and Max lifting the ban on gay men donating blood was just another example of that. I know I probably shouldn’t be impressed with what they were able to pull off in the ’80s with “Howie Cournemeyer,” but, man, I am?? (I get the liability, the reasons it was wrong, etc. But.)
Which shows did you watch last night?
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