Ryan Eggold Previews NEW AMSTERDAM's Timely VBAC Debate - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Ryan Eggold Previews NEW AMSTERDAM’s Timely VBAC Debate

April 20, 2021 by  

New Amsterdam VBAC

NEW AMSTERDAM — “Catch” Episode 308 — Pictured: Ryan Eggold as Dr. Max Goodwin — (Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC)

On the Tuesday, April 20 episode of NEW AMSTERDAM, Max (Ryan Eggold) is surprised to learn about the inequities in child labor for women of color.

“[Erika Green] wrote about this VBAC calculator which relates to women and race and giving birth, and calculating their risk for childbirth, particularly after you’ve had a cesarean and things like that,” Eggold told reporters in the video below. “It takes race heavily into factor and there are these statistics about Black women, Latina women having higher risk of this and that. And Erika was having this conversation, writing this very eloquent, very nuanced conversation about, is that racist? Is that not racist? How much do we take into account race in a medical conditions?”

In addition to it being enlightening for Max, it was equally educational for Eggold. “I learned a lot during that episode, because I had never heard of the VBAC calculator, having given birth myself and not being an actual physician,” he said. “And so I learned a lot about that. And then not a week or two after we shot this episode, an article came out…talking about the VBAC calculator and that it’s dated and that it’s perhaps racist. And I just was like, our writers are so on top of it…I really love how the writers are not afraid to have those conversations and to get into those issues and discuss them with humanity. So it’s been it’s an exciting season in that way.”

Watch the video for more from Eggold and Jocko Sims!

NEW AMSTERDAM, Tuesdays, 10/9c, NBC


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