May 28, 2021 by Marisa Roffman

LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME — “Everybody Takes A Beating Sometime” Episode 107 — Pictured: Dylan McDermott as Richard Wheatley — (Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC)
Let’s talk about Thursday’s TV!
LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT: This was a great episode. Domestic violence certainly gets its share of the spotlight on the show, but it was so important to showcase the abuse that can happen within a marriage from a wife toward a husband. (And, unfortunately, how much a child might see.)
SVU boss Warren Leight noted, pre-air, that it helped that Michael Gladis and Anna Wood had worked together a number of times, and he was right: their history felt believable and earned, which also made their unhealthy relationship even more uncomfortable to witness. Both performers were great.
I also really appreciated how they utilized Carisi and Garland in the hour. The episodes where they let Carisi try a case have been among the stronger hours of the year, and Peter Scanavino’s performance as Carisi was practicing his final remarks was fantastic. And I loved how they worked Garland and his family into this story; it was a lovely glimpse of his home life, but also a good way to naturally bring the case to the squad.
GREY’S ANATOMY: It’s odd to occasionally be reminded how far in the past the show is, at this point. Using the vaccine trial as a tool to jump ahead was smart, and got us a tiny bit closer to the present-day.
I’m so glad Amelia and Owen can be friends, but, man, she needs to be talking to Link about her hesitancy about having another kid.
And, wow, the idea of Meredith potentially taking on the residency program makes me feel emotional. Again, feels like a final season move, but…my heart.
LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME: Not only did Izak fail to protect Gina, but he also got himself killed pretty darn fast. Being undercover and/or a CI against the Wheatleys sure got dangerous fast. (But on the flip side, we got to see badass Jet?!)
Bell’s. Confrontation. With. Richie. My goodness. I love how protective the Bell and Stabler partnership has been from almost the get-go, but for much of season 1, it’s been Elliot struggling, and Ayanna having to be the strong one/reel him in. But with Gina’s death, it made sense she would break, especially in light of Richie’s lies. (Also, her telling Richie he didn’t deserve Gina’s kindness?? That will break the man. I mean, he’s a killer, he doesn’t deserve it, but brutal.)
So, uh, that final scene with Angela, Richard, and Elliot. Angela and Richard are now giving two versions of the same story: She says she accidentally ordered the hit. He says she did it intentionally, down to the mysterious call he got (and, um, THAT person is likely involved/a traitor, right??) which would take him away from the car, but still allow him to see his wife get killed.
Right now…I’m leaning toward believing him? Richard is vile, as Angela noted, but claiming he had tapes is a foolish card to play if he couldn’t actually produce them. If he wanted to throw Elliot, if he wanted to mess with Angela, he didn’t need to lie about how far she went in the planning of Kathy’s death—especially if he had the Olivia card in his back pocket. By just throwing Olivia into the mix, it’s clear he unnerved Angela and, well, Elliot didn’t exactly look thrilled. (It was also a pretty deviously brilliant move to not say Olivia’s name when he was taunting them both about the true love of Elliot’s life. A direct threat would give Elliot an action to take, a reason to tell Olivia she needs protection. Right now, it’s implied, and he’d have to explain himself. It’s also just enough wiggle room to let Elliot doubt whether Richard knows what he thinks he knows.)
But if we are to take Richard at his word…how does he know this much about Elliot’s personal life? Was this deep research? A lucky guess? A mole much closer to Elliot than suspected? Is the apartment bugged?
(And if you tell me Dana Wheatley is going to be the only one to come out of this situation alive/intact…I would not be surprised. She went from seemingly good to TERRIFYING in a snap.)
Also, this may have been the best acting of the entire run of the show so far. Not that they’ve been slacking in that department, but everyone stepped it all the way up.
REBEL: Ugh, I really do hate that this show was canceled. I know I’m saying this every week, but it’s true: it’s fun, it’s smart, it’s so easy to watch/get sucked into.
I do really hope we get some resolution with the season 1 storyline, though, before the show wraps. It gives me some hope that Rebel found a whistleblower.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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