July 13, 2021 by Marisa Roffman

The Republic of Sarah — “The Criminals It Deserves” — Image Number: REP105c_0130r — Pictured: Izabella Alvarez as Maya Jimenez — Photo: Philippe Bosse/The CW — © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Let’s talk about Monday night’s TV!
THE REPUBLIC OF SARAH: Okay, while I love Sarah, the claim she’s a dictator…isn’t exactly wrong. She’s doing things with the best intention, but there aren’t any checks and balances. She’s doing everything she can to save her position of power, even if it traumatizes people she cares about…as long as she can manipulate the situation and get the people she cares about out of it. And, yes, Maya is a kid, but she broke the rules.
Sarah is still in emergency mode, but I do hope she establishes a more formal government soon. (Also, it’s kind of a relief the reporter wasn’t a sleaze? If anything, they were too nice.)
LOVE ISLAND: Oh, MESS. I hate how absolutely sloppy Cash/Cinco/Trina is going to get. Like, I’m sorry, Trina trying to kiss Cinco the night of the recoupling?? And, seemingly, intentionally out of the camera zone?? M. E. S. S.
I’m curious how the new guy shakes things up, because clearly Shannon is going to be looking, and I assume Trina might be, too.
Also, the narrator constantly, amazingly, reiterating how TF is Josh still here was a whoooole mood.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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