LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE: Cristela Alonzo Set as Host
July 14, 2021 by Marisa Roffman

Credit: The CW
Cristela Alonzo has signed on to host the new take on LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE, The CW announced.
“Having grown up on 90’s pop culture and actually being a fan of the original LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE, I am thrilled to be hosting the new updated version of the show,” said Alonzo in a statement. “The biggest challenge for me on this show will be trying to simultaneously host it and contain my geeked-out excitement at the same time.”
“When we decided to revisit LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE, we wanted a host with stature who also had the humor of a stand-up and the energy of a camp counselor,” said Scott A. Stone, Creator and Executive Producer. “That’s Cristela Alonzo, she’s perfect!”
The new series “is taken out of the studio into a ‘jungle’ and scaled up with tougher challenges and much bigger prizes on the line. It preserves the original Nickelodeon series’ favorite elements including: “Olmec” (the giant talking Mayan head), the “Moat Crossings,” “The Steps of Knowledge,” the “Temple Run,” and of course, the iconic team names: “Purple Parrots,” “Blue Barracudas,” “Orange Iguanas,” “Red Jaguars,” “Silver Snakes” and “Green Monkeys.” Every episode is a hero’s journey through a mysterious jungle. Four teams begin the journey, but only one is “strong enough and smart enough” to enter the ominous Olmec’s Temple, avoid the “dreaded” Temple Guards, retrieve a lost treasure, and return it to its rightful owner.”
The show is set to debut Sunday, October 10 at 8/7c.
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