September 24, 2021 by Marisa Roffman

LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT — “And the Empire Strikes Back” Episode 23001 — Pictured: (l-r) Mariska Hargitay as Captain Olivia Benson, Demore Barnes as Deputy Chief Christian Garland — (Photo by: Bennett Raglin/NBC)
Let’s talk about Thursday night’s TV!LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT: Even though it was a two-hour episode, I found myself wishing we got a bit more time to say goodbye to Garland. Losing Garland and Kat in a single hour was rough, obviously—and, oh boy, is the squad now short-staffed/running out of allies—but it made sense to spend so much time on her exit since it came out of nowhere. Garland, because his freezing out had been established at the end of season 22, just…quasi-quietly left. (Though, oof, Demore Barnes can break your heart in the smallest of moments. Garland surrounded by the contents of his office as he was packing up? Ouuuuuuuuch.)
I worry about what McGrath will mean for the squad, though. Obviously that’s the intent, but the man is, clearly, in ZERO position to be dictating what kinds of sexual assaults are worthy of getting justice.
Rollins and Carisi are very cute together, but, guys, there’s zero way hiding this is going to work. (Both because their colleagues are literally trained to pick up on small changes like this, but also the show’s own history has show how fast an ADA and a detective in a relationship can lead to drama.) It’s going to be fun to see if they end up disclosing before their hand gets forced.
I’m fascinated by the potential of Wheatley being the one to cause Olivia’s car crash. Obviously it’s bad, protect that poor woman, but for the overall L&O universe, is it just an (understandable) theory Elliot had given what would go on to happen? Or is Wheatley’s reach/influence really going to be playing out this season on SVU, too?
BIG BROTHER: Well, I don’t know the last time I was that uncomfortable while watching an unscripted show. Kyland, repeatedly, bringing up X’s nephew after he had blindsided and evicted was gross, and I was worried he literally would not leave the house. What the……………….
(Also, way to blow any chance of returning on your way out?? Who would want him as a possible future All-Star now?)
LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME: Well, I’m really worried about the psychic danger OC boss Ilene Chaiken teased for Elliot, because, eesh, he’s having to dive into the deep end with this UC opp. I’m glad he’s able to see Eli (somehow?), and that his son is doing well/okay with things, but I worry about the state he’ll be in when this is all said and done.
(Also, it’s insane and so deeply sad for Olivia that it seems Elliot went from speaking to her immediately after the duo left each other at the non-wedding on SVU because they didn’t want their night to be done to jumping into an undercover operation after thinking Wheatley made multiple attempts on her life. Did something happen in the three months where he thought she was…safe?)
If Reggie survives the brutality of his family, man, I’m worried they’re going to, uh, painfully kill him once they realize he led a cop into their family business. (I also thought Agnes’ coffee reading might reveal he couldn’t be trusted; her completely making his UC mask slip by bringing up how he can’t tell the woman he loves how he feels? A thousand times more dangerous.)
I’m loving the absolute drama between Bell and Brewster, though, because we know she’s a badass, we know she’s going to ultimately be successful, but it also feels like we’re getting a glimpse of her pre-OC days. (But, also, Ayanna and Denise with their baby! Ugh, I love them so much.)
I may be in the minority on this, but I’m also thrilled Angela survived. I still don’t buy she didn’t know exactly what she was doing with Kathy’s death, and I want to see how absolutely messy it gets between Angela and Richard in pod 2. (Uh, assuming she remembers whatever it is he was/is up to.)
[For more on the hour, here’s what Chaiken had to say.]
Which shows did you watch last night?
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