About Last Night…The FBIs, NEW AMSTERDAM, CHUCKY, and More
October 13, 2021 by Marisa Roffman

CHUCKY — “Death by Misadventure” Episode 101 — Pictured: (l-r) Zackary Arthur as Jake Wheeler, Chucky — (Photo by: Steve Wilkie/USA Network)
Let’s talk about Tuesday night’s TV!
FBI: Wow, my heart broke for Tiff. It’s interesting she told Scola they didn’t talk, because I think a lot of times we (or at least I) assume TV partners are close. And in some ways they are: they have each other’s backs and are frequently ready to die for each other. But it doesn’t always mean they know each other on a deeper level, especially when the partnership is still relatively new.
But to have to face that as your family member is a suspect? And then ultimately have your family member lie to the feds and get charged? Yikes. It’ll be interesting to see if we can see a difference in Tiff and Scola’s dynamic now that they’ve agreed to go beyond small talk and get to know each other better.
THE VOICE: It felt solid? There wasn’t any OH MY GOD moments for me, but certainly nothing awful or wildly lopsided, which is a win.
FBI: INTERNATIONAL: It’s not easy to launch a new show, but it’s really impressive how absolutely solid this show feels. It doesn’t feel like a new series struggling to find its tone or get to know its characters; these episodes could easily be three or four seasons deep.
It also made me laugh out loud a number of times, which feels a bit more rare. (I’m so glad Raines and Vo know about Forrester and Kellett; it’s hilarious they can’t even fake arriving at the same time plausibly.)
NEW AMSTERDAM: Uh, anyone slightly concerned (but intrigued) by how much good trouble Max and Helen might get into in their “final” five weeks at the hospital?
FBI: MOST WANTED: Oh, Jess, believing Tali is…a choice. I’m glad he and Sarah talked some things out, though, because if she’s essentially parenting his kid while he’s working, there should be ground rules. (I’m also shocked he hadn’t told her he loved her before this?!)
I remain endlessly fascinated by CRISPR talk. It’s absolutely terrifying, yet I understand why people pin their hopes on it.
CHUCKY: I love the CHILD’S PLAY franchise and was so curious how the gore would translate to basic cable. So far they’ve handled it well in terms of implying and using creative camerawork. I hope they can make this work.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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