October 15, 2021 by Marisa Roffman

LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME — “The Good, The Bad and The Lovely” Episode 205 — Pictured: (l-r) Ellen Burstyn as Bernadette Stabler, Christopher Meloni as Det. Elliot Stabler — (Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC)
Let’s talk about Thursday night’s TV!
(Okay, but the best thing on TV last night was this.)
GREY’S ANATOMY: I thought we had reached peak nostalgia with Addison echoing her iconic entrance, but we got an elevator moment with her and Meredith…my whole freaking heart. It’s been so long since Derek died, and even his return last season still feels a bit removed from where we’re at. But Addison—Addie—missed it. The elevator was so important in the early seasons, especially for Derek-related moments, so to see these women whose history was so complicated grieve together? My heart, man. (And Addison meeting the kids and reuniting with Amelia was incredible. I wish we could keep her.)
LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT: I know I’m not actually old, but few things make me feel older than Tik Tok. I did love having Jet go undercover for the team and her dynamic with SVU; an unexpectedly fun team-up, while still entirely plausible within the show’s world. (And while I’m kind of shocked Olivia lets Noah on Tik Tok, we’re looking at him joining the squad in season 37, right?)
But, man, I hope the squad and the survivors they’re trying to get justice for get a win…at some point this season?
GHOSTS: No, seriously, this show is laugh-out-loud funny, and if you aren’t watching it, please fix that ASAP. (Viking funeral! NSFW phrase to explain ghosts moving to the great beyond! A ghost election! This freaking show.)
BIG SKY: I’m so curious to see how messy Ronald/Wolf/Agatha gets, because we know how dangerous Ronald can be, and Wolf does not seem to have Rick’s cruelness in him. But Wolf and Agatha have all the power right now—and Scarlet seems fine with going along with things?!—so will Ronald at some point genuinely stop fighting? Lull them into a sense of false security and then fight back?
LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME: I absolutely thought Rita was going to die after Elliot saved her…I was prepared for those “cops” to not actually be cops and undo all of the good that was done. Thank goodness I was wrong. (Yes, I still have trust issues after Gina’s death, thank you for asking.)
What an absolute mess Elliot is in, though. It’s understandable he wanted to think Bernie was mistaken about her pills, both because it fit with her deteriorating health and it meant things were fine at home. But they aren’t. So how is he going to balance being there for a floundering Eli while also not blowing his cover? (Like, how did he not go to Reggie after the raid, when he had to know everyone was going to be suspicious about how the cops knew about the party? Is he going to claim he got arrested?)
I am glad, however, that Elliot has Bernie. This is a man who could never rely on his mother, never take comfort from her; who was estranged from her for most of his adult life. They’re now at a place where he is leaning on her, literally and figuratively. Whether it was the time away, the loss of Kathy, or seeing Reggie with his mother, for however long this lasts, I’m glad Elliot and Bernie are getting this chance to just show they love each other, despite the past hurt. (ORGANIZED CRIME writers…can we keep her?)
And I do hope Elliot heard Olivia. While the Flutura tryst made sense for his op since he was backed into a corner, as Olivia noted on SVU a few weeks ago, she still knows him better than anyone…the entire situation is taking its toll on him, whether he sees it yet or not. And it certainly seemed like Elliot was himself—arguably more so than he had been this entire undercover op—enough to actually be in a place for Olivia to make the plea she did; he wouldn’t have responded half as well if she had said that to him even a week or so ago.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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