About Last Night…4400, THE BIG LEAP, ORDINARY JOE, and More
October 26, 2021 by Marisa Roffman

THE BIG LEAP: A scene from the “I Should Have Gone To Motown” episode of THE BIG LEAP airing Monday, Oct. 25 (9:00-10:00PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2021 FOX Media LLC. CR: Jean Whiteside/FOX.
Let’s talk about Monday night’s TV!
THE VOICE: YEP, still obsessed with Girl Named Tom. Holy moly, ready for their album.
But I also really hesitate to think anyone but Team Blake’s Wendy Moten is a frontrunner. Wendy is just absolutely incredible?! I know she’s been in the industry for a while, but it’s insane she has not gotten the career she deserves.
4400: I’ll admit, while I absolutely watched the original series, I don’t recall the pilot all that much, so I can’t compare it to this. (And purposely didn’t go back to rewatch so I wasn’t doing that exact thing.) But I enjoyed this pilot!
I’m really, really curious to see what Week 2 looks like. Does it focus on the same few people we met? Do we meet new returnees? With 4400 people, obviously you’re not going to showcase even one percent of the returned, but will it be a LOST-like situation where each episode focuses on a different main character?
THE BIG LEAP: Oh, God, they’ve handled Gabby’s grooming situation beautifully—in which I mean it’s a freaking gut-punch, because ow, they have not shied away from examining the trauma of the aftermath—and I’m so glad the entire show-within-a-show cast turned on Brittney, because that was in no way her secret to share. Especially on live TV. It’s really sad, because it felt like Brittney and Gabby were on the verge of becoming friends, but, nope…that got blown to smithereens.
Also, on a professional level, I cannot imagine covering an aftershow like that, and…if the show-within-the-show didn’t have insane ratings to start off, I guess that insanity might lead to a lot of people sampling episode 2?
(That Monica “inspirational” speech needs to be on a poster, please and thank you.)
ORDINARY JOE: Joe. And. Zeke’s. Duet. My whole freaking heart. But also, wow, I had been thinking about possible deaths in the timelines, but Bobby being taken out in Music Joe’s world shocked me, especially since it felt like there was a lot of drama to milk over Amy’s one night stand with him. (Okay, and I’m not sure how the timing would work out, but is this going to lead to her being pregnant and wondering who fathered her kid?)
But also LOL to Nurse Joe losing the class pet. Hopefully he’ll notice it’s not in the wall before it truly does wind up dead somewhere.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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