About Last Night...THE EQUALIZER, DEXTER: NEW BLOOD, THE ROOKIE, and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Saturday, March 15, 2025


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(L-R): Michael C. Hall as Dexter and Jack Alcott as Harrison in DEXTER: NEW BLOOD, “Cold Snap”. Photo Credit: Dana Starbard/SHOWTIME.

Let’s talk about Sunday night’s TV!

THE SIMPSONS: When it seemed like they killed off the Rich Texan, I was a bit shocked, because deaths rarely stick on the show (see Fat Tony’s death, which they “undid” by instantly bringing in his cousin Fit Tony, who quickly became Fat Tony or Snowball II), but then they kept killing off people, so I’m really curious what part 2 brings. Do they undo….all of this? Because they killed a lot of people. (Which, to be fair, perfectly on par with prestige TV.)

THE EQUALIZER: Loved the case. With so many amateur crime solvers, it absolutely makes sense something like this could happen…and it could escalate where one of them ended up targeted, especially on a livestream where the attacker got a lot of attention for their actions. (Also, not to praise a clearly unwell fictional character, but pretending to be the person you were attacking when you’re caught is kind of brilliant?!)

But, God, Vi’s confrontation at the store was brutal and so difficult to watch. (And, clearly, important, too.) Her breakdown, after, broke my heart. I love that Delilah tried to reach out to the woman who caused the harm to first try and let her see her own actions, in the hopes she’d understand the damage she had done—and could do—by weaponizing the police against a Black woman. But when she was rebuffed, good, release it into the world. People should know who they’re dealing with.

CELEBRITY WHEEL OF FORTUNE: Oh my God, Joey Fatone messing up the Before and After because he doubled up Mark in “Stretch Mark Wahlberg”…

THE GREAT NORTH: This was almost the perfect Murder Mystery Party, but I would have been way more upset about the pizza being temporarily hijacked for the secondary second mystery game. (The kids may be more mature than I am.)

DEXTER: NEW BLOOD: I know it was just the premiere—and it was better than a lot of the later seasons of the show—but I wish the episode was a little less predictable. As soon as I saw the young boy, I figured he was Harrison. It was wildly clear who Dexter would kill. This is a franchise that delivered incredible surprises, and I really hope more of that is in store later.

And while obviously one of the biggest shifts is having Deb be Dexter’s dead inner voice, it didn’t really feel like Deb; it felt like the version of Deb Dexter wanted/needed to have. I’m curious if that shifts throughout the season as he’s now back down the rabbit hole of killing or if this is the Deb we’ll get the entire time.

BOB’S BURGERS: Aww, Teddy grew a whole mustache to make it up to Bob, who, uh, didn’t even realize he upset Teddy. It’s the thought that counts.

(I know it’s very bad I’m intrigued by a taco hot dog…but…I’m intrigued by a taco hot dog.)

SUPERMARKET SWEEP: Man, some of these clues in the final rounds are hard!! Again, I definitely appreciate you win bonus money no matter what and aren’t risking it all, but you’d think they’d get hard at, like, $25k. But half of these weeks I feel like I would do awful at these clues.

FAMILY GUY: Considering Stewie thought he was dying, he was actually less melodramatic about it than I expected!

THE ROOKIE: Oh my God?!

I was honestly was with Bailey: I thought she was going to find proof Nolan’s hunch was wrong. Not that he’s a bad cop, or it’s unfathomable a firefighter would be doing those crimes, but her going that far was a huge risk and dramatic enough. But, nope. Yikes. Poor Bailey. And it seems like this is just the start of Nolan’s troubles based on the promo.

That treasure hunt was absolutely insane and led to multiple deaths?! When the first person was killed, I gasped. And then when the dude blew himself up…stop doing things people on the internet tell you to do. Even if it leads to literal buried treasure. People are crazy.

Which shows did you watch last night?

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