January 5, 2022 by Marisa Roffman

AMERICAN AUTO — “Earnings Call” Episode 103 — Pictured: (l-r) Harriet Dyer as Sadie, Michael Benjamin Washington as Cyrus, Jon Barinholtz as Wesley, Humphrey Ker as Elliot, Ana Gasteyer as Katherine — (Photo by: Ron Batzdorff/NBC)
Let’s talk about Tuesday night’s TV!
AMERICAN AUTO: I laughed out loud at the mute shenanigans. After watching shows like THE OFFICE and SUPERSTORE, it’s fascinating it feels I kind of have to retrain my brain to watch a show like this, but I’m enjoying it a lot so far.
FBI: Man, poor Tiff. I loved Maggie and Tiffany teaming up. (And OA and Scola briefly working together, too.) But the young kid they were trying to help being connected to one of Tiff’s old NYPD cases? Ouch. It makes sense she’d feel guilt over her role in his father’s death, even if, as Maggie pointed out, she was figuratively backed into a corner. I’m so intrigued whether this partnership shakeup will be a rare thing, or if they’ll experiment with it more.
GRAND CREW: Oh my God, the competition was insane. (And on a friendship level, how much of that undercooked food do you have to eat? Is the bite enough? Do you have to pretend at least the pasta is edible, since the undercooked chicken could get you very sick?) Also, I’m sorry, but Noah’s hair was…so much. Loved seeing Nicky and Fay bond, though.
FBI: INTERNATIONAL: Look, it was a good episode (and Vo and Raines’ friendship is so, so great), but the Tank stuff made me sob. SAVE TANK. (But, also, them making him 7 before Scott ever got him is already a red flag we shouldn’t get attached.)
ABBOTT ELEMENTARY: This show remains so charming. It’s very THE OFFICE season 1/2 (and, again, mean that as a compliment), and I’m loving getting to discover these characters and their quirks. Really hope it sticks around for a while.
FBI: MOST WANTED: Okay, Jess mentioning his dead wife was pretty perfect. The show (understandably) does not focus a lot on his grief as a widow these days—which, again, makes sense!—but it was great we got that beast…especially in the aftermath of him having to say goodbye to Tali and losing (even temporarily) that piece of his late wife. I also love that Jess’ sister knew he would be miserable after Tali leaving and came over to join him and Sarah for a family movie night.
NEW AMSTERDAM: I LOVE YOU, DR. WILDER. I don’t know how well this revolution is going to go, but I love her so much. And her character may be emblematic of everything Fuentes is doing wrong, but I’m delighted to have Genevieve Angelson’s Dr. Mia Castries on the show.
Helen and Max were adorable in London, and I’m so, so happy they are happy, but it was definitely bittersweet. And, weirdly, for me it wasn’t even them being MIA at the hospital, but it was just more Helen trying to succeed and Max…stepping in things. Now that things are a bit more settled, I’m curious to see how they both adjust.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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