TRANSPLANT Exclusive Clip: Bishop, Bash, and Mags Gear Up for a Legal Fight
May 27, 2022 by Marisa Roffman

TRANSPLANT — “Scars” Episode 208 — Pictured in this screen grab: Hamza Haq as Dr. Bashir “Bash” Hamed — (Photo by: Sphere Media/CTV/NBC)
When TRANSPLANT returns with a new Saturday at 8/7c slot on NBC (starting May 28), the doctors and nurses are in for a shock: Bishop (John Hannah) reveals that grieving father Ray Grisholm (David Eisner) has filed a malpractice suit against the hospital and anyone involved in his daughter, Kelsey’s (Morgan Kohan), case.
“We took a necessary action to save her life…” Bishop tells Bash (Hamza Haq) and Mags (Laurence Leboeuf) in the exclusive clip below.
“I took the action,” Bash interjects.
“All our options were tragic,” Bishop answers. “I stand by the choice we made. This is happening because a father needs somewhere to put his anger.”
Bishop suggests the duo contact their insurer to get lawyers, but to keep their heads down and do their jobs in the meantime. “Do not let this get into your heads,” he warns.
Bash stays behind to talk to Bishop, determined to do something to fix the situation. “You can play it safe,” Bishop replies. “Toe the line. Toe the line. Everything you do is going to be scrutinized. I know it’s unfair, but you already have to be better than everyone else. Starting now, you need to go out of your way to follow the protocols. No more pushing boundaries, no unnecessary risks. Don’t give them them any ammunition. You hear me?”
Watch the intense scene now…
TRANSPLANT, Saturdays, 8/7c, NBC
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