TRANSPLANT Exclusive Clip: June Takes a Stand
June 30, 2022 by Marisa Roffman

TRANSPLANT — “Shadows” Episode 210 — Pictured: Ayisha Issa as Dr. June Curtis — (Photo by: Yan Turcotte/Sphere Media/CTV/NBC)
After having a very rough stretch (including her watching her father die), TRANSPLANT’s June (Ayisha Issa) has (understandably) reached her limit.
On the Saturday, July 2 episode of the medical drama, after a shakeup at the hospital—and with Dr. Bishop (John Hannah) and Dr. Singh (Sugith Varughese) warring over her–June decides to stand up to the doctors.
“Dr. Singh, protecting me doesn’t mean holding me back from opportunities, just because you don’t like them,” June explains in the exclusive clip below.
She then turns her focus to Bishop: “If you really have my back, I need to know that when I say I’m overworked, you’re going to hear me—even if your initiative takes a hit.”
But how do the doctors react? Check out the clip from “Locked”…
TRANSPLANT, Saturdays, 8/7c, NBC
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