October 7, 2022 by Marisa Roffman

LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT — “Mirror Effect” Episode 24002 — Pictured: (l-r) Kelli Giddish as Det. Amanda Rollins, Mariska Hargitay as Capt. Olivia Benson — (Photo by: Zach Dilgard/NBC)
Let’s talk about Thursday night’s TV!
GHOSTS: Poor Alberta. (But, holy moly, Danielle Pinnock was incredible in the episode, singing and otherwise.) And we have our first murder suspect! I assume it won’t be Clara, due to it being obvious and our first real clue, but I’m excited to see how this plays out. (Also, the Flower and Hetty storyline, while NSFW, was very, very sweet?!)
[For more on the episode, here’s what Pinnock shared.]
LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT: I am very, very thankful the show continues to explore Amanda’s trauma. It was a little concerning seeing her zone out in therapy, but it feels like drawing her gun at an imaginary monster in her daughters’ bedroom may have been her rock bottom/finally pushed her to claw her way out of this and admit what’s really going. I’m so glad she’s also confiding in Carisi and Olivia, because, yeah, she shouldn’t have to do this alone and she has people around her who want to help her on this difficult journey. (Plus, Kelli Giddish, Peter Scanavino, and Mariska Hargitay were great in their scenes.)
So far, it feels like there’s been a shift with how they’re telling stories that I’m intrigued by. SVU has always been a little more of a middle ground for Wolf shows: more personal than the mothership or, say, FBI, but less than something like ORGANIZED CRIME or the CHICAGO shows. Outside of special episodes, it’s felt like the personal on SVU has been 5-15% of the episode over the past six-seven years; the first two (non-crossover) episodes of this season, it’s felt like it’s been closer to 15-20%. It’s lovely to get these moments, and I’m curious how much it’ll continue this season. Will it be confined to expanding on Rollins’ exit because there isn’t a huge amount of time before she leaves, or will this be the new pattern going forward? Personally, I’m rooting for the latter.
(Side note: Olivia telling Muncy to invest in a blazer is very, very funny given how many of these characters—including Olivia herself—have dressed on the job.)
GREY’S ANATOMY: Oh, my heart. Instant tears when Derek’s nephew said, “It’s a beautiful day to save lives.” (But, okay, also probably setting up the interns to fail just a teeny tiny bit by having them work on this many donation cases?! Of course someone was going to mess up with informing a relative about their loved one.)
I loved this episode, though. I’ve struggled with a lot of the new groups of doctors they’ve brought in, but it felt like really smart, practical casting this time in a lot of ways: So many of these people are actors I already enjoy, but aren’t huge names who are distracting or ~stunt casting~.
It’s still hard to imagine the show without Meredith, so a lot of this feels like holding your breath before an accident, but I’m hopeful this group will be compelling.
LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME: We have found the true mystery of the season: How old is baby Jack supposed to be?!?! (No, seriously, this child should be a year at this point, right? Between him and Eli, it’s impossible to tell these kids’ age on this show…) But, also, Denise…sigh. She’s absolutely going to use this against Ayanna, even though Ayanna was the absolute freaking hero of the episode and saved a kid’s life. Sigh.
But, my God, I am begging Elliot to go back to therapy. Please, writers. (Even if we don’t see it and it’s just a throwaway line.) He was fantastic in his support of Whelan early in the episode and I’m loving the mentorship going on. When Elliot and Ayanna saw the officer had died, I thought Elliot was rushing off to see how Whelan was doing given how close they’ve gotten in such a short amount of time. Instead, well, RIP mirror. I get the “cop with five kids” thing was triggering, but…
(While I miss Elliot and Ayanna being together as frequently as they were before, I’m really glad we’re seeing their friendship off-the-clock.)
Actual laugh out loud moment of the night:
Whelan: “No way two people are that close for that long and don’t sleep with each other.”
Stabler: “Sure about that?”
(But, in all seriousness, thank goodness, because I would not have been thrilled if there was a retcon to Elliot’s original tenure on SVU/his exit or anything was going on now while we weren’t actually seeing them on-screen together.)
Which shows did you watch last night?
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