Couch Madness Round 2: 'Exodus' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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Couch Madness Round 2: ‘Exodus’

March 20, 2023 by  

Couch Madness Round 2: 'Exodus'

In honor of the NCAA tournament season, Give Me My Remote is bringing back our TV-centric bracket, pitting similarly titled episodes against each other: Couch Madness! (Credit for the excellent name goes fellow reporter Chris Hayner.)

The seeding is simple: rather than quality of the hour, we’re going by air date (with the oldest episode getting the #1 slot and the newest getting #8). With Peak TV, this will not include every single show that has used this title; rather, we picked a selection from what was available.

We’re now up to the second round, which will kick off on Monday, March 20 and end on Friday, March 24, with the final face-off starting Monday, March 27.

Next up? “Exodus.” Keep reading for the bracket, episode descriptions (from IMDB), and the poll. (For the other episodes competing, check out all the brackets here!)

ER (1): “Because of benzene that’s been spread, the ER has to close. Weaver gets felled and Carter has to take the lead.”


ENTOURAGE (4):“Johnny and Turtle get a gold watch, paid by Vince from his Aquaman bundle, to welcome Saigon to Turtle’s company; however they see Mandy with her ex-steady date Chris, so they make cellphone pictures as proof she’s apparently cheating on the star. Ari finds his senior partner Terence McQuewick, who didn’t attend in three years, chairs the staff meeting and bars him for arriving late; in private he says he’s returning full-time, and denies Ari a contract extension as consolation. Ari panics and swears his assistant Lloyd to undying loyalty before sending him out to tell eights agents the code ‘tsetse fly’, but Lloyd phones Terence already knows, who indeed brands him as a traitor; Ari then invites colleagues to join him in a new agency, but only Lloyd follows him and they find all company privileges are cut off, stat. Sloan reassures E Mandy is probably not cheating. E tells Vince he never felt it was over with Chris, and indeed Mandy confirms she is not quite sure yet, so he breaks up and- wants out of the movie. A ‘jealous pep-talk’ from Lloyd gives drunk Ari the courage to face his wife, or not quite.”

STARGATE SG-1 (2): “SG-1 delivers their newly confiscated Goa’uld mothership to help the Tok’ra evacuate their planet and deal with their disinformed Goa’uld spy in their midst.”


SMALLVILLE (3): “As Clark has finally begun dating Lana, Helen Bryce cancels her wedding to Lex after being told to by Lionel. But later, Helen realizes that she loves Lex and they finally get married. Meanwhile, Jonathan and Martha are thrilled to learn Martha is pregnant. The memory/spirit of Jor-El speaks to Clark via the spaceship, telling him he must leave Smallville, his parents and friends to fulfill his destiny. Clark decides to destroy the spacecraft, and the spirit of Jor-El with it, by using Lionel’s kryptonite-made hexagon key that he made a copy of off the late Dr. Walden, in order to use it on the cave wall to learn the kryptonian markings. Clark, with Pete’s help, steals the key and uses it to activate the spaceship, knowing the kryptonian radiation will destroy the ship. The ship does explode, but the shock wave injures Jonathan and Martha, causing her to miscarry. Chloe, jealous of Clark and Lana’s blossoming romance, accepts Lionel’s proposal to investigate Clark and gets the job at the Daily Planet. Clark, grief-stricken at the injury he caused his mother, puts on the red kryptonite ring and heads out of town on a motorcycle, planning never to return. Elsewhere, Lex, flying off on his honeymoon, wakes up alone on the airplane that is about to crash in the ocean…”

(If you are having trouble loading the poll, be sure to vote directly here.)

Which shows have your votes?

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