QUANTUM LEAP's Nanrisa Lee Previews the Discovery of the Mole: 'It's Difficult' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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QUANTUM LEAP’s Nanrisa Lee Previews the Discovery of the Mole: ‘It’s Difficult’

March 20, 2023 by  

Quantum Leap mole reveal

QUANTUM LEAP — “Fellow Travelers” Episode 109 — Pictured: (l-r) Mason Alexander Park as Ian, Nanrisa Lee as Jenn, Ernie Hudson as Magic — (Photo by: Ron Batzdorff/NBC)

After months of teasing, the team discovers who their mole is on the Monday, March 20 episode of QUANTUM LEAP, “Ben Interrupted.”

“Janis planted that seed a while back; there was that scene, where she said, ‘Do you think you can trust everybody on your team?'” QUANTUM LEAP star Nanrisa Lee acknowledges to Give Me My Remote. “So I think Jenn has been thinking about that for a while. And then you have the information that came through about Ian. We were all waiting for [the big reveal] with bated breath, as well; waiting for the episodes to come out. And without ruining anything…once we found out who the mole was, is, it’s difficult. It’s difficult. And more difficult for some, than others.”

“Especially a program like that, where it’s, you know, the top-tier of security and I’m the head of security, [it’s hard],” she continues. “We’re such a tight-knit group, a family, really, that I don’t know how many people Jenn trusts outside of this group. And to find out that there’s someone within it that has betrayed everybody else is…it takes a minute to adjust to that.”

QUANTUM LEAP, Mondays, 10/9c, NBC


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