About Last Night...AMERICAN IDOL - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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About Last Night…AMERICAN IDOL

April 10, 2023 by  


AMERICAN IDOL – “608 (Showstopper/Final Judgement Part 1)” – Performing with a band for the first time, Idol hopefuls sing their hearts out in their last chance to make it to America’s vote. In the Final Judgment, two pairs of contestants face off with the judges sealing their fate for the next round. SUNDAY, APRIL 9 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Eric McCandless)

Let’s talk about Sunday night’s TV!

AMERICAN IDOL: These are always tough shows, and they edit them the best they can—showcasing the final songs paired with the verdict of who makes it to the top 24 and who doesn’t—but…it felt like a lot of weak final performances made it through. And, look, there’s merit to judging the whole of their competition experience, but it’s a little but of a bummer to see some people be totally off, vocally (and I’m not even talking about nerves; nerves, I can understand them excusing a bit more), and them moving through.

Malik versus PJ was a great battle, and I’m realllllly curious about which singer didn’t make it through who they originally intended to take one of those slots. (And if it was that close, shouldn’t the third singer have had a chance to sing for their life?)

We’ve got one more sing-off, and I assume they won’t pull the same trick. But given Paige’s performance was really impressive from her hotel room, you’d think they would have given her extra (figurative) points?

How lovely for Adin, though, that he might be working with Lionel moving forward. I hope something real comes out of it; a great consolation for not making the top 24.

Which shows did you watch last night?

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