LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME Season 3 Finale Recap: 'With Many Names' - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

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LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME Season 3 Finale Recap: ‘With Many Names’

May 18, 2023 by  

LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME Season 3 Finale Recap

LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME — “With Many Names” Episode 322 — Pictured: Mariska Hargitay as Captain Olivia Benson and Christopher Meloni as Detective Elliot Stabler (l-r) — (Photo by: Peter Kramer/NBC)

[Warning: This post contains spoilers for the Thursday, May 18 season finale of LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME, “With Many Names.”]

LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME’s third season ended with the team under attack—in more than one way.

In the aftermath of discovering Olivia (Mariska Hargitay) and Elliot (Christopher Meloni) had hits out on them, the long-time cops downplayed the danger they were in at their Ohio headquarters. “I’m not worried,” Elliot said.

“This place is crawling with feds,” Olivia added.

Anya Avital (Kadia Saraf) wasn’t impressed and insisted they were barred from field work until further notice—which led to the duo (along with their SVU and OCCB teammates) interrogating the suspects they had.

But the plan to stay under the radar quickly went out the window when everyone got hungry, and Elliot, Olivia, Anya, and McCrary (Francois Battiste) went to a diner…where they were ambushed.

After the restaurant was gassed, Olivia was shot—and took out the shooter after Elliot couldn’t see. Though the injury was minor—pellets to the hip—he was emotional after she got the all-clear.

“Thought I lost you,” Elliot said.

“I can’t imagine what that brings up for you,” Olivia said. The duo hugged, as he went off to trace a lead on their perp.

But that was just scratching the surface: Whelan (Brent Antonello) was shot through the neck and their suspect hit himself with the sword.

With only one medic on site, Whelan insisted they help the suspect so they could take down the site. “Go help the kid,” Whelan insisted.

Jet and Jamie spoke, as he told her he was paralyzed—he couldn’t even move his arms: “I love you,” Jet said. He didn’t answer, and was clearly distraught after.

“I can’t live like this,” Jamie said. He had a big request for Reyes: Disconnect the box that is keeping him alive. Initially, Reyes declined, but someone ultimately did what Jamie asked by the end of the episode.

Later, Elliot came to see Olivia and told her he was leaving. “I’ll be gone for a while,” Elliot said.

“Thank you for telling me this time,” Olivia said. He handed her a present, but made a deal: She could open her present from him if he could open the Christmas present she was holding on to. It was a cheap Live. Love. Laugh ornament, which he tweaked to “Liv. Love. Laugh.”

Her present? A compass. “Elliot, this is beautiful; thank you,” she said. He told he he hoped it’ll lead her to happiness: “I sure as hell am going to try,” she promised.

“Me, too,” he said. “Partner.”



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