June 8, 2023 by Marisa Roffman

GORDON RAMSAY’S FOOD STARS: Contestants in the “You’ve Got Wine” episode of GORDON RAMSAY’S FOOD STARS premiering Wednesday, June 7 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. 2022 Fox Media LLC. CR: Ray Mickshaw/FOX
Let’s talk about Wednesday night’s TV!
MASTERCHEF: I don’t know if I will ever get over the contestant who had salmon TATTOOED ON THE INSIDE OF HER LIP. What the…
(But also in all seriousness, I know they didn’t like her dish and said it wasn’t salmon-y enough, but making a salmon skin base and then putting salmon on top of it could have been a figurative hat on a hat.)
GORDON RAMSAY’S FOOD STARS: With apologies to the yellow team, the “Re.noun” name was terrible, made worse by the fact that none of the examples were, you know, nouns. (I absolutely would not have been able to come up with a name that fast; I know it’s not easy.)
But, man, as soon as a possible customer said they ATE SOAP thinking it was cheese, it felt clear the yellow team was doomed. Also, a big no to socks in wine glasses, please. I’m sure you should wash those glasses before they’re used, but who wants little sock fuzzies in something they’re going to drink out of?
It’s absolutely bonkers that the show lost two contestants between rounds, though. I’m curious if that means we won’t have eliminations for a few episodes later on or if they planned on doing double (or triple) eliminations later in the season and now it’ll just be a single person.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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Filed under About Last Night
Is it possible that name was supposed to be “renowned”.
@Deb: that would have been a better name! But Jake mentioned all of the words were nouns and his teammates had to tell him they were actually verbs. So it didn’t quite play the way it might have.