TRANSPLANT Season 3 Premiere Exclusive Clip: The Team Welcomes Back Theo—And Shares What He’s Missed
October 6, 2023 by Marisa Roffman

TRANSPLANT — “Fracture” Episode 301 — Pictured: (l-r) Ayisha Issa as June Curtis, Hamza Haq as Bashir Hamed Laurence Leboeuf as Magalie Leblanc, Jim Watson as Theo Hunter — (Photo by: Yan Turcotte/Sphere Media/CTV)
TRANSPLANT season 3 is finally coming to NBC on Thursday, October 12 (at 9/8c)—and fans will get a long-awaited resolution to the season 2 finale cliffhangers: Will Bash (Hamza Haq) and Mags (Laurence Leboeuf) finally give their relationship a go? How will the hospital—and its employees—handle a post-Bishop (John Hannah) boss? And how will Theo (Jim Watson) recover in the aftermath of his helicopter crash?
In an exclusive clip from the season 3 premiere, “Fracture,” Theo is finally back at work—after spending time recuperating with his family—and, well, everything has changed. “No ‘welcome back’ banner?” Theo jokes to his friends in the video below.
But since he does promise to answer all of their questions, Mags starts with an important one: “The hair and the beard—is that really a good idea?” she says with a laugh. They’re interrupted by the new boss, Dr. Devi (Rekha Sharma), and Theo questions what her deal is.
At first, Mags claims she wouldn’t know—she’s not Mags’ boss, after all—but she quickly gives him a rundown: “Her residency was in hospital medicine, but her last job was in Portland, where she worked for the state overhauling patient records. She has a PhD in public health, strong policy background, and most of her publishing has been on patient-led approaches to care.”
“Bishop was here thirty years and she’s never even run an ED?” Theo asks.
“I think that’s the point,” June (Ayisha Issa) says. “Thirty years of the same system? My guess is they’re trying to think more progressive.”
“All I know is I was gone a month and the world is upside down,” Theo replies. “New boss, Mags has left emerg, and, Bash, is it true you’re leaving to become a surgeon?”
“I’d be doing a dual residency,” he says. “Half in emerg, half in trauma OR with Dr. Novak.”
June asks if he would have to start in surgery as a first-year resident, and Mags immediately gets defensive—he already was a trauma surgeon, and, as she points out, “He more than proved himself.”
After an awkward beat, the group gets back to work and Mags privately checks in with Bash about his immigration appointment. She also apologizes for speaking for him with the residency, and he jokes she normally has a “pretty clear idea” of what he’s thinking.
“Well, sometimes,” she replies. “And other times you’re like a brick wall; I never know which version to expect.”
“Well, if you figure it out, let me know,” he says, as the duo share a loaded look.
Watch the scene below…
After season 2 aired in the US, Haq teased a change would be in store for Bash and Mags: “I think this drastic shift in both of their work circumstances and their personal lives gives them an opportunity to get to face each other in a way that they haven’t before,” he told Give Me My Remote at the time. “When he shows up to Mags’ door at the end, it’s very emotional, it’s vulnerable. It’s filled with fear and excitement and all those things. That encounter does inform their relationship moving forward: how they speak to each other, how they work with each other, how they interact with each other at large. And it is an interesting evolution from what we’ve seen in the previous two seasons.”
TRANSPLANT, Season Premiere, Thursday, October 12, 9/8c, NBC
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