TRANSPLANT Exclusive Clip: Bash and Mags Get Confronted by An Angry Patient
December 27, 2023 by Marisa Roffman

Credit: NBC/YouTube Screengrab
On the Thursday, December 28 episode of TRANSPLANT, Bash (Hamza Haq) and Mags (Laurence Leboeuf) meet Kit (Linda Kash), a patient who has a special request for them: She needs to be treated without opioids due to her sobriety.
But after the procedure, Kit is horrified to learn she was given drugs without her consent. “You promised that I would have options, that someone would make sure,” Kit accuses Bash in the exclusive video below.
As Mags and Bash try to calm Kit down—drawing the attention of Devi (Rekha Sharma)—she angrily says she knows she was given fentanyl while she was unconscious—she saw it on her medical chart.
“You don’t understand, even when I’m asleep, my body is trying to find a hit,” Kit says.
“You asked for no opioids and we disregarded that?” Devi tries to clarify. Bash promises he wrote it on the chart and spoke to the surgeon, but acknowledges he should have followed up; Mags says she should have been with Kit during the procedure.
As Bash tries apologizing—and explaining–to Kit what might have led to the step, things take a turn…Kit throws up and collapses.
Watch the harrowing scene below…
Elsewhere in the episode, “Bash’s past and present are put under the microscope during his citizenship interview. Bash and Theo treat a young burn patient whose residency status is in question. June and the team treat estranged twin brothers in an unusual situation.”
TRANSPLANT, Thursdays, 9/8c, NBC
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