About Last Night...CHICAGO MED, CHICAGO FIRE, CHICAGO P.D., and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

Thursday, March 27, 2025


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CHICAGO P.D. — “Ten Ninety-Nine” Episode 12001 — Pictured: (l-r) Patrick Flueger as Adam Ruzek, Victoria Cartagena as Emily Martel — (Photo by: Lori Allen/NBC)

Let’s talk about Wednesday night’s TV!

CHICAGO MED: A good (albeit kind of painful) introduction to our new doctors. Lenox was take-charge, and I’m very curious about where things are going with her push-pull with Archer. But yikes to Dr. Hudgins straight-up leaving a patient in distress and then promptly getting fired. It makes sense but ouch.

Frost’s absolutely charming, though, and it’s going to be fun to see him work with the doctors and see how he is with kids.

I’m really glad we got answers about Ripley and the mess with Pavel; I assumed he didn’t attack him, but it also wouldn’t have been out of the question to think Pavel would have made it up/a slight confrontation was then escalated by Pavel without Ripley knowing. Now, how this will play out…a whole other problem. (Poor Dr. Charles got dumped, though.)

(And we knew Crockett was gone, but I’m glad we got a throwaway line about his exit/them going to his farewell party rather than him just being MIA and not addressed.)

THE MASKED SINGER: So, uh, the Showbird is a COMMUNITY person, right? Ken is going to be so mad/embarrassed when he realizes what he missed.

CHICAGO FIRE: I’m a little worried about Pascal. His relationship with his wife is…something.

It’s also very funny he held the phones hostage during mealtime. I get it! But also, as they pointed out, they’ve been together a billion years, and they know each other. Maybe it doesn’t need to be that way for every meal.

(And good luck with family not working together. This firehouse is, uh, very close.)

As much as I’d love for Stellaride to have a baby together, I also understand why this is not the right time and they need to wait. This would entirely change Kidd’s life, especially while pregnant. I’m so glad Severide is respecting her and the magnitude of that.

How great are Violet and Lizzie as partners, though? They’re really clicking—and their determination to protect (and comfort) the young girl whose father hurt the family was lovely amidst the awfulness of the situation.

Also, Carver…dude, what are you doing?!

THE FLOOR: Okay, the Halloween people didn’t pass with enough time…what an absolutely silly waste.

Wow, I felt terrible for Andrew, though, who clearly let the nerves get him. Angie freaking out and also comforting him was lovely, though. It’s crazy that people already seem bonded by day 1. I’m excited to see what else is in store this season!

BIG BROTHER: I truly cannot tell if the editors are chopping out hugely important bits of information, or if these people are just wildly dumb and short-sighted. Since when is Chelsie Makensy’s ride-or-die? Chelsie just (very publicly!) freaked out because she thought Makensy and Cam were too close. (And Chelsie is—self-admittedly!—sabotaging Makensy’s game with her pushing to get Leah out.) When did Cam turn against Leah? It’s just not coherent, and I can’t tell if the editors have really botched this or if these contestants are just flailing.

CHICAGO P.D.: My notes from the start of the final scene of the premiere: “You know what’s good? When people are in a car at the very end of an episode.” Congrats to the show—I was truly expecting Martel to die via a car crashing into them. (Either intentionally or accidentally; that I wasn’t sure of.) But nope!!!! Wrong place, wrong time and it ended up being a gunshot. (Ow, ow, ow, ow.)

I mean this as a compliment, but the pace was absolutely disconcerting. It felt frantic, it felt anxiety-inducing, it felt like Voight’s restlessness. There were a number of directing/framing choices that helped highlight the tension of the hour.

I’m intrigued to see what Chapman and Voight’s friendship looks like this year. He was really open with her, in a way he wouldn’t have been six months ago, which is good, but…I’m very curious to see where this goes. How much will he allow her to push him?

On a light note, I absolutely cackled at poor Torres getting hit by the car and him glaring at it and moving on. No time to feel pain, have to keep moving, but please know he is displeased.

(Miss you, Burgess. Can’t wait until you’re back home from this conference.)

Which shows did you watch last night?

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