About Last Night...THE FLOOR and THE SUMMIT - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

About Last Night…THE FLOOR and THE SUMMIT

December 5, 2024 by  


THE FLOOR: Rob Lowe (C) with contestants in the “Heartbreak and Headaches” episode of THE FLOOR airing Wednesday, Dec. 4 (9:02-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR/ Lorraine O’Sullivan / FOX. ©2024 FOX Media LLC.

Let’s talk about Wednesday night’s TV!

THE FLOOR: This is not judging the situation, but wow to the crying over a contestant being eliminated. Honestly, this is why I wish we were seeing more from the floor itself, maybe like a digital component or something. These people are bonding after hours of taping, competing for life-changing money, and sometimes snarking with each other…there’s a whole subplot going on we’re not even seeing.

As for the categories themselves, I can confidently say I would have sucked at the hockey category. I know sports! But, wow, I did not know enough of those players. And while it’s terrible and cost her the category, it’s kind of funny Bruno was passed on for the Disney round. (We don’t talk about Bruno, am I right?) (That was a terrible joke, I know.)

But, uh, do some of these people need glasses? There was more than one contestant who seemed to be really struggling to see the screen this week. So are glasses needed? A bigger screen?

THE SUMMIT: Well, it was heartbreaking that Jeannie figured it out she was screwed before they officially told her. I am kind of confused by the production choices this season, though. On paper, we were told multiple people could win. And they did! But the forced eliminations also meant that there was a ceiling for the number of people who could win, too. If, somehow, the show gets a second season, I’d like to see them play with that.

I’m so curious if the interrogation was longer for the non-Nick finalists and it was edited down so it seemed like he’d lose, or he really got the brunt of the ire from the eliminated people. And how much was he sweating when it was tied and only Jeannie and Amy had votes left to cast?

Which shows did you watch last night?

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