February 20, 2025 by Marisa Roffman

CHICAGO MED — “Take a Look in the Mirror” Episode 1013 — Pictured: (l-r) — (Photo by: George Burns Jr/NBC)
Let’s talk about Wednesday night’s TV!
THE MASKED SINGER: Oscar De La Hoya?! Okay, I didn’t see that coming at all. (And, yes, the SHREK theme was a little silly, but the “Hallelujah” performance was incredible.)
CHICAGO MED: Okay, while it was not a surprise that Lenox might struggle as a mentor, Archer being the one to give her good advice that she actually heard? I kind of love it? What a surprise.
I’m glad Hannah brought up the parallel between Ripley and what happened with Sully/Pawel, both because Ripley needed to face that, but I also don’t get why the writers did basically the exact same thing. He was just accused of this, falsely, a few months ago. Surely there could have been a different rock bottom? (But, man, Goodwin telling Ripley she’s recommending they terminate him has to be the worst feeling.)
Oh, god, the woman who was raped blaming herself and the boyfriend blaming her, too…absolutely brutal. I’m glad Hannah tried to stand up for the young woman, but it still wasn’t enough. Sigh.
We need someone to desperately stop Charles and Jackie from going down this romance path, please and thank you. It’s not appropriate!
WILD CARDS: This episode was so clever. I can’t imagine how much fun the writers had placing all of the clues in the hour, both the ones that made sense in hindsight (Nevets) and the ones they could reveal (Jupiter). Also, man, I love that Ellis is opening up to Max and she continues to unapologetically be there for him.
THE FLOOR: The association clue twist is interesting, but I’m not sure how much I’m liking it so far. Part of it may be the contestants getting used to it, but it felt like it slowed down the game and made a huge difference in who goes first; much harder to get a time advantage (if no one passes) if you’re first.
CHICAGO FIRE: Two things are simultaneously true: I’m glad Carver got help, but it felt like his alcoholism—especially the notion this has been an issue since he was a young teen—came out of nowhere. He obviously had issues! And his relationship in the fall was a hot mess. But I wish there had been a little more lead-up given how serious this can be and how big of an issue it seems this was for him.
I laughed at Pascal coming up with a too-hard Girls on Fire course—which Kidd slammed, not knowing it was his idea. (I get all sides. Cruz’s pitch was a bit easy, but also, yeah, they’re kids. It can’t be too difficult or an insurance nightmare.)
As Kidd and Severide go on their adoption path, I love they referenced Brett’s situation. It’s realistic! One of their close friends adopted a baby in Chicago, it would be a good resource for them to utilize. Brett may be gone from the show world, but it keeps it feeling realistic and grounded.
CHICAGO P.D.: Oh, Atwater. Sigh. What hit me after the episode was that as much as I always love the Atwater/Ruzek dynamic, I do kind of wish this had been Atwater/Burgess; we haven’t really seen much change since she was promoted and it could have been interesting to see Atwater balance that. But, man, Atwater needs a win. Hopefully we’ll see a bit more from his relationship next time he gets an episode focused on him versus that quick scene.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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