MANHUNT: DEADLY GAMES: Spectrum Originals Sets February Launch
January 18, 2020 by Marisa Roffman

Credit: Spectrum Originals
Spectrum Originals will debut all ten episodes of MANHUNT: DEADLY GAMES on Monday, February 3.
The series follows the search for bomber Eric Rudolph (Jack Huston), who terrorized the 1996 Olympic Games, and the fallout as the wrongly-accused Richard Jewell (Cameron Britton) tried to prove his innocence to the FBI and the media. MANHUNT: DEADLY GAMES also stars Gethin Anthony (Jack Brennan), Carla Gugino (Kathy Scruggs), Arliss Howard (Earl Embry), Kelly Jenrette (Stacey Knox), and Judith Light (Bobi Jewell). Andrew Sodroski created the show.
Watch the trailer for the season!
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