April 16, 2021 by Marisa Roffman

LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME — “Say Hello To My Little Friend” Episode 103 — Pictured: (l-r) Christopher Meloni as Detective Elliot Stabler, Ben Chase as Detective Freddie Washburn, Danielle Moné Truitt as Sergeant Ayanna Bell, Michael Rivera as Detective Diego Morales — (Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC)
Let’s talk about Thursday night’s TV!
MANIFEST: Jared/Zeke/Michaela is always SO awkward. But Levi and Olive are intriguing. Don’t know if we should trust him yet, but…
WALKER: Anyone else skeptical the Emily story is over? It just felt…way too easy.
GREY’S ANATOMY: It was deeply upsetting to watch Winston get pulled over by the cop. And was I the only one worried that MAGGIE YELLING was going to lead to something awful happening? Obviously, it would have been in no way justified if the cop did anything, but he was doing everything in his power to go above and beyond and comply, and…things escalated. (I deeply wish we could have stayed with him vs. her, too. It impacted her, of course, but I wish it hadn’t been played as a “does he survive????” cliffhanger.)
Honestly, it’s almost shocking it took this long for GA to do a COVID-denier storyline. Bailey’s yell was justified and needed.
LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT: It makes sense the show is essentially sweeping Olivia’s troubles with IAB under the rug, because…it does feel like that’s kind of a can that can’t be opened for any character they want to keep on the show. I’m glad she was at least able to implement advice to Jayvon on what exactly he might be able to request so there could be some actionable change. (Surprised they were willing to talk sans lawyers, but that’s the only way that move would have been plausible.)
I’m just…not sure what the show was trying to do with Olivia canceling the bus as the perp was bleeding out. It’s absolutely a badass move. (And seemed to be legit, since the radio made clicking noises when she pressed the button to speak; at first I was hoping it was a bluff.) But that’s also the exact kind of thing she would and should have gotten in trouble for: she was being a gladiator—doing the wrong thing, for the right reason. Did the guy deserve to suffer? Absolutely. But if he had died…she could have been responsible for that. So is the show going to follow up on that? Or will it just be bypassed since it got results and they saved their vic?
MOM: Aw, it’s sweet that Bonnie and Tammy are going into business together.
And with Andy back, and the show about to end, I wondered if he and Jill would reunite for a finale-ish happy ending. It doesn’t appear that’s in the cards for them, but I’m glad they got loving closure.
REBEL: I’m still enjoying this show. It was great to see some vets from Krista Vernoff’s other shows (hi, Abigail Spencer and Dan Bucatinsky!), and things are getting messssy. But, uh, maybe Rebel and Grady shouldn’t go to counseling?? Not to judge a marriage we just were introduced to, but these two do not seem remotely healthy together.
LAW & ORDER: ORGANIZED CRIME: This show remains gorgeous. Still trying to trust Angela—and I’m hoping her love for her kids will mean she ultimately is good and won’t stab Elliot in the back; I’m a bit skeptical, still—but either way, she could be a great asset.
And a big yes, yes, yes, yes to Bell and Elliot’s partnership. I loved them getting to know each other and bond in the car. And Bell’s a mom-to-be! PROTECT HER WIFE AND THAT BABY, PLEASE, SHOW.
I did appreciate seeing Kathleen again, because it seemed like she and Elliot were very estranged in the premiere…but now it seems like it may have been more about their trauma and grief rather than real issues. I also really appreciated the continuity with SVU, with Kathleen bringing up Elliot’s resistance to pills was outdated and they’ve helped her and his mother.
Still loving Richard vs. Elliot. I was worried they might not be able to have them interacting going foward, plausibly, but it worked for me this week. Elliot crashing the video tour was hilarious, but Richard one-upping it with having “legit” vaccines messed up the NYPD’s plan. Will be curious to see how the next five episodes play out.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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