"House" Blooper Reel...Funny Stuff - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

“House” Blooper Reel…Funny Stuff

August 31, 2006 by  

I love bloopers, so I was super excited when I stumbled upon this gag real from Fox’s hit medical drama (and one of the best shows on TV) House. Hope you enjoy it!!

[gv data=”wz3eI3ZM0X8″][/gv]

Filed under TV Drama


4 Responses to ““House” Blooper Reel…Funny Stuff”

  1. Sus on September 1st, 2006 7:39 am

    Will it be on the season 2 dvd’s? If it is, I won’t watch so I don’t spoil it for when I get the dvd’s for Christmas. (I got season 1 for Christmas last year so why not s2 this year? lol)

  2. Jen on September 1st, 2006 11:10 am

    I watched the blooper reel on the season 2 dvd but i dont remember some of this stuff being on it

  3. Kris on September 3rd, 2006 2:53 am

    I freakin love House! Thanks for posting this! Now i definitely have to get the season 2 dvd…of course 😀

  4. Jane on September 3rd, 2006 11:48 pm

    I LOVE that Hugh maintains his American accent when he messes up. Absolutely adorable. And the man is hot.