About Last Night...CHICAGO MED, CHICAGO FIRE, CHICAGO P.D., and More - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote


May 23, 2024 by  


CHICAGO P.D. — “More” Episode 11013 — Pictured: (l-r) Jason Beghe as Hank Voight, Tracy Spiridakos as Hailey Upton — (Photo by: Lori Allen/NBC)

Let’s talk about Wednesday night’s TV!

CHICAGO MED: I really liked this episode, but part of me wants to rewatch the episode, knowing what happened, because I spent basically the entirety of the episode thinking Crockett was going to do something…permanent…in reaction to his grief, and it made me unnecessarily tense. That being said, his heart-to-heart with Maggie was absolutely a gut punch; we knew about his daughter, but she didn’t, and it’s actually important someone on the canvas knows the grief he’s carrying.

The stakes of the prisoner patient were really smart. We know Ripley and Charles’ natural tension, but then add in Goodwin’s troubles with Bert on top of it? Ouch, ouch, ouch. But, my God, I love that Dennis made it clear he wanted to be there for Goodwin…and she actually let him.

(I’m Team Ripley didn’t do it, FWIW. But go vote in our poll and don’t let me influence your vote.)

THE MASKED SINGER: Okay, I did not see the Scott Porter of it all coming! The Vanessa Hudgens of it all made sense, but I truly wasn’t sure of the timeline given her pregnancy. But what a fun finale.

CHICAGO FIRE: In hindsight, Herrmann becoming the new Boden makes sense, but I didn’t see it coming and got emotional. Of course, that was nothing compared to Boden’s actual goodbye—which really felt like the end of an era, despite everyone (on-screen and off-)—saying it’s just for now. I truly, truly, truly hope Boden continues to be a real presence in the CHICAGO FIRE world.

Carver and Damon attacking the family was so much. Damon being Severide’s family made sense, and I much prefer a half-brother than a secret kid or something nefarious. And Carver…I feel bad for him, but it also feels like he and Violet need to talk, not assume/run away. We’ll see what happens.

I’m intrigued by Severide talking about wanting a family with Kidd. Of course, I’d love that. But I’m so, so, so glad he acknowledged it’s a bigger decision for her, because it would impact every single element of her life, personally and professionally/physically. It’ll be interesting to see where they land with it.

GORDON RAMSAY’S FOOD STARS: I was a bit way about the change in format by adding another mentor and making it personality teams on top of the contestants competing against each other. And, frankly, I’m still wary after the premiere.

I don’t need an “audition” episode, but I can understand the appeal of it on a lot of levels. (Even though it feels like what I’ve seen of SHARK TANK.) But it’s also insane that you start your season on a rejection?! That’s just odd producing choices.

(That being said, they got me, emotionally, with Kyson.)

CHICAGO P.D.: Most importantly, I’m happy Upton left happy. Hopeful. At peace. There are so many times this season I feared she wouldn’t leave in a good place, and I’m so thrilled to be wrong.

Tracy Spiridakos was incredible in the hour. The final scene with Voight, as Upton tried to put her complex emotions into words, as she voiced her fear she might not deserve more, absolutely broke my heart. The path Upton was on was frequently messy, but I’ll miss her so much.

And the Al of it all. It was brief, but perfect. Man, I missed him. I know why the show can’t regularly utilize that kind of storytelling, but the sequence was powerful and something I’ve rewatched multiple times. Thank you to Elias Koteas for coming back for that moment.

(I was also intrigued by their usage of clips; it makes sense Voight’s life would flash before his eyes—and, man, am I glad he refused to call anyone—and I’m actually happy they utilized past footage to make it clear what torment Voight was contending with.)

Do I wish Upton hadn’t risked her life with no backup to save Voight? Sure. But I’m at least thankful she seemed to quasi-have a plan and did get one over on Matson as soon as he actually got her to Voight’s location. And I do wish we had gotten to see the team saying goodbye to Upton. I wish we could have gotten a supersized version of the episode, somehow.

As much as I feared the divorce papers in the premiere might be it for Upstead, a small, romantic part of my heart was holding out for a miracle here. (Though I guess I can understand how that also might have paralleled last season’s MED finale and the Manstead ending a bit too much.) And the beauty of an open-ended ending is literally anything is possible for Upton, though. (Okay, but I’ll admit I laughed when the FBI of it all came up in her search, given Upton’s crossover to CBS’ FBI a few seasons back.) And like I said, ultimately, I’m just so happy she left on her own terms and happy.

[For more on the hour, here’s what showrunner Gwen Sigan shared.]

Which shows did you watch last night?

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