About Last Night...THE SIMPSONS, THE SUMMIT, and BOB'S BURGERS - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote


September 30, 2024 by  


Credit: Fox

Let’s talk about Sunday night’s TV!

THE SIMPSONS: Oh, this was a great premiere. I’m on the record as being a sucker for out-of-the-box episodes, and this was one I can’t wait to rewatch. (By chance, I rewatched “Lisa the Boy Scout” right before watching the premiere, so I was accidentally primed for a big swing episode.)

It was so fun to see all of the most cliche endings for the show possible (“written” by AI), while Bart gradually became self-aware that something was very, very, very wrong in Springfield. Of course it would take Bart enraging Homer into strangling him to basically break everything/set everything right. And how fun they were able to get so many notable voices from the show’s history to reprise their roles, even briefly?

The show has gone meta before, giving us fake spinoff potentials and BEHIND THE MUSIC-like stories, but we haven’t had anything quite like this in a while. And it’s a little bittersweet knowing we are close to the end (even if the end is another decade away), but what a fun way to start the season. (Also loved the end tag of THE SIMPSONS characters in famous series finale scenes.)

THE SUMMIT: The producers couldn’t know things would spiral so fast in the first episode, but Tony collapsing really, really, really brought out the true (and awful) colors in some of the contestants. First of all, I’m so glad Tony is okay; obviously, they wouldn’t have aired it if things were serious, but that was scary.

Second? Yikes, anyone who can see someone in medical distress and be flippant about it…well, we learned a lot about who Shweta really is. Yeah, a million dollars is life-changing money. But we as the audience have the luxury of knowing they’re not going to show a human die in front of us; the contestants there didn’t know if Tony would be okay. This wasn’t a skinned knee or twisted ankle.

(Also, I could never do this trek. I’m so curious how many actually make it to the very, very end.)

[For more on the episode, here’s what executive producer Kevin Lee shared.]

BOB’S BURGERS: Aw, poor Tina and her flailing show. I do love that she did the right thing and revealed the test that saved her show/brought attention to it was fake versus having it collapse around her. Yay for responsible journalism! (I do not care if that’s cheesy.)

I laughed out at Linda—and then Bob—telling Teddy fake horror film plots because he was too afraid to watch the films himself. And Teddy was right…their creations were more, uh, interesting than the real deal.

Which shows did you watch last night?

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Filed under About Last Night


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