About Last Night…DOC, THE ROOKIE, THE IRRATIONAL, and More
March 19, 2025 by Marisa Roffman

DOC: L-R: Jon Ecker, Conni Miu and Molly Parker in the “What Goes Up . . .” episode of DOC airing Tuesday, Mar. 11 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR: FOX. ©2025 FOX Media LLC.
Let’s talk about Tuesday night’s TV!
KITCHEN NIGHTMARES: Well, “I want to be happy again” may be one of the saddest things I’ve heard on this series this season. Poor Chris. I truly hope Gordon Ramsay and co.’s changes can stick and his restaurant (and relationship) will be better from here on out.
DEAL OR NO DEAL ISLAND: I think it would have been significantly more interesting to see Parvati in the final three, but, alas, that bad deal sunk her. She played it right, but…yeah. A bummer.
I’m not exaggerating when I say it feels like the Top 3 competition may change how all of the players approach things going forward if the show continues. C.K. was absolutely doomed, in a major way, by her social game and she lost by a lot/it automatically knocked her out before Top 2. Any potential players who watch this season should see that as a huge, huge, huge red flag about how they should act. (But did those emotional moments, good and bad, not cost everyone time? With the people you love who you knew you were good with, you should have said, “Love you, thanks, let’s get to it!”)
But, yeah, it’s the most obvious cliffhanger possible. I haven’t seen the finale, but…yeah, I don’t know if things are going to go well for David.
DOC: A really strong finale. When I was contemplating how Amy might be able to get some kind of closure/justice for herself and prove she wasn’t the one responsible for Dixon’s death, I never thought about his family. So smart and of course her humanity was what ended up saving her…if she had kept her head down, like Richard suggested, she never would have gotten the answers she was actually looking for.
I thought the medical cases were done really well and you felt the tension of the mass casualty event. It did truly feel stressful.
I do feel like I might be in the minority on this, but the triangle cliffhanger didn’t work as much for me. I don’t have a strong (figurative) team preference, so it’s not about wanting Amy with one man more than the other. But Amy and Michael had already kissed, Jake had technically already been told about their reunion…Jake getting visual proof means he can’t be in denial, but…I don’t know. I didn’t/don’t want something out of character, but do wish there had been something a bit more.
THE ROOKIE: I laughed so hard when Celina revealed she was dating Rodge…and Nolan slowly, but surely, realized why the man looked familiar. (I cannot believe that’s how Celina thought she should introduce them, but LOL.)
The Seth situation makes me really sad. I’m really, really, really, really glad Lucy’s instincts weren’t wrong. I’m bummed for her she put this much effort into someone who was never going to work out. I also wish we knew more about why? I didn’t need a “horror movie villain monologues about their motivation”-type speech, and we clearly know some of it was true, but we also spent more than half a season with this kid and he was in denial until basically the end of his tenure as a rookie.
That AI was terrifying and then Nolan used it to buy a present for Bailey? THROW IT IN FIRE.
[For more on the episode, here’s what star Lisseth Chavez shared.]
THE IRRATIONAL: I had been wanting a musical since season 1—sorry to Jesse L. Martin and Karen David; I do understand your initial hesitations!—and it was delightful. LITTLE SHOP is actually a musical I somehow don’t know beyond the obvious imagery, so it was fun to experience it for the first time like this.
I had absolutely no suspicions about Rose being married until Alec approached her, off to the side, at the end, and my brain went, “Oh no, she’s married.” Rose! Sigh.
[For more on filming the duet and the husband reveal, here’s what stars Jesse L. Martin and Karen David shared.]
FBI: MOST WANTED: Well, as someone who loves Scola, I’m pretty alarmed we’re supposed to think he’s okay with Tink going back to her husband after he sent her to the hospital?! This wasn’t a verbal disagreement or even a financial one. This wasn’t just about Tink’s husband lying to her and the family for months. I’d understand the money thing—and his hurt over Nina insisting this was her family—but…yikes. I really hope they can somehow fix it next time they’re on screen together.
Which shows did you watch last night?
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