How I Met Your Mother Recap: “Single Stamina”
November 28, 2006 by Kath Skerry

Title: “Single Stamina”
Original Airdate: November 27, 2006
Ahhh, winter time is so beautiful. Especially if you can stay inside and just admire it through the windows.
That’s the beauty of being a couple I guess. Lilypad and Marshmallow, Robin and Ted, they can all stay inside in “couple hibernation mode” while enjoy each other’s company without having to worry about going outside too much. But, poor Swarley Barney, being the bachelor that he is, he has to go out to find his good times still. This leaves Barney as his own wingman.
Yea, not so much. That doesn’t work. He decided to bring in reinforcements. Stinson. James Stinson. Yep, you heard that right, he brought in his brother James (Wayne Brady) as his reinforcement.
Ted gave Robin the heads up that James was different than Barney. He’s gay. He missed one other bit of information. Well, they are not exactly the same race. James is black. Robin inquired nicely as to what the story on the two of them was, and, there is no one conclusive story. The boys mom once told them that they were different because when she was pregnant with Barney she only ate vanilla ice cream, and when she was pregnant with James she ate chocolate ice cream. Another time she said “I don’t know boys, it’s just one of those things.” The best though came when she said “Stop asking me! You know what you two are? You are little racists!”
James and Barney were the perfect team. As wingmen, things worked great because their targets were never the same. James moves in, befriends the hottie, and then introduces her to Barney. Barney would always return the favor.
Barney then got his wish, James convinced the entire gang to go out with them.
James: No, no, no, no no! Guys, you are young, attractive people, here in the greatest city on earth. There are boys and girls in Nobody Cares, Wyoming wishing they could be here but instead they are in someone’s basement drinking bad malt liquor debating whether or not they are going to spend their Saturday night in the parking lot of the feed store or in some other dude’s basement. You owe it to them to rise up and shimmy your lazy asses into something hot and you go out there and you live their dream! Can I get a hell yea?
Gang: Hell yea!
James: Can I get a hell yea?
Gang: Hell yea!
James: Woo hoo! Do it for Wyoming! Testify!
As the entire gang gets to the club, Barney and James begin to seek out targets immediately.
Barney: Daddy’s home! Alright bro, what do you like? Guy in super tight black tee? Super tight black guy? Guy who looks like Mr. T?
James: Hmm. Yes, yes, and talk to me after two martinis. Let’s focus on you m’man.
Barney: I’m feeling lazy, how about the girl with the chocolatini?
James: Ring. Boom. Back tattoo.
Barney: Let’s ride!
James: Fo’sho.
James: (To girl) Damn baby, nice tramp stamp!
Barney: Hey hey! Her body art is not an invitation to grope her. It’s an expression of her inner-self. In many ways I’m sure she is the dolphin encircled by flowers.
Guys: What? What?
Barney: Popozao! (To girl) Let me know if he bothers you again.
Girl: Thanks, you should stay close just in case.
Bring in the next dynamic. Singles versus couples in a club. Singles always are on the move, couples want a nice place to sit down. It’s easy to see if they are single or couples by a few signs. The girls are clearly miserable and want to go home.
Lily: I miss my jammies. I can’t believe I wore a bra for this.
Robin: Bra’s suck, they are so confining and unnatural.
Lily: They are like a booby zoo.
Random Jerk: Why don’t you take it off and let those puppies breathe.
Lily: Please go sweat on someone else.
Marshall: Poor guy.
Lily: Poor guy? Poor my boobs!
Part of the problem is that the girls are tired of being hit on. Ted and Marshall don’t’ have much sympathy for them though. They don’t think it’s that tough.
Back to the Stinsons. James is miserable too. He’s acting tired, turning down drinks, and the gang catches him texting. Could he be in a relationship? That’s going to kill Barney! Sure enough, James has a fiancée, he’s getting married. Barney is just crushed. It’s just not the Stinson way.
Robin: Barney, I hate to be the one to tell you this. He’s texting.
Barney: No. NOOO!
Barney grabs James’ phone, and finds a picture of James with his fiancée Tom. Barney is clearly upset. Ted tells Barney that he needs to support James no matter what his views on marriage are. And of course, Barney hatches a plan. Celebrate it. Take James out, and try to derail his marriage plans with their engagement celebration.
Barney takes the entire crew to a gay bar to celebrate. And within minutes of arriving, both Ted and Marshall are hit on by a guy. The guys are amused at this point, as are the girls.
Things quickly deteriorate for the guys though. As Ted and Marshall are talking, they are approached by yet another guy.
Random Guy: (Walks in between Ted and Marshal and puts his arms around the both of them) Look at me in a yummy sandwich.
Marshall: We’re actually right in the middle of something right now.
Guy: I know what I want to be in the middle of.
Ted: (irritate) Can’t two straight guys come to a gay dance club with techno have a good conversation without being bothered?
(Guy leaves)
Robin: How’s it going guys? Still enjoying the attention of men?
Marshall: That’s the eighth guy that has hit on us in 10 minutes. I’m like hello, my eyes are up here.
After Barney’s repeated attempts at hooking James up with someone else, things come to a head. James explains to him that he is getting married. On top of that, he and Tom were going to be adopting a baby. This seems to soften Barney up a lot. He’s going to be an uncle!
A year later, James and Tom got married, and Barney was the proud best man. Lily and Marshall decide it’s too late and decide to go home. Ted and Robin stay to dance more (Note: Ohhh, this means that Ted and Robin are together for another year!!)
And we end this episode with Barney clearly happy, talking to his new nephew, telling him that in 20.5 years, they will go out together, and, he will teach him how to live. Oh yea, how can we forget the obligatory Barney making out with and making meaningless compliments towards another hot chic?
Kaboom! You’ve been lawyered by Jim Mosby. Half Jim Halpert, half Ted Mosby. At least that’s how he describes himself. Maybe minus the Halpert good looks he’d be telling the truth. Jim loves feedback, and is a comment whore, so, indulge him if you can.
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Filed under How I Met Your Mother, TV News
Actually at the wedding it seemed like Ted and Robin weren’t still together. Even though they danced, it was kind of “friendly”… I have to rewatch to confirm.
Great recap! I loved this episode too. Now will they come back still a year ahead, or not? Did you catch the conversation between Marshall and Lily when they left the reception at the end? Hmmm….
I watched closely and did not notice a wedding ring on Marshall’s hand.
I see your point Tobes and it makes me question it but, they seemed pretty good. Hmmm.
I watched Ted and Robin very carefully, and I thought the writers did a good job at being ambiguous as to their romantic status. But if I had to guess, based on what I saw, I would say they were still together.
But here’s my question…we aren’t obviously jumping a year ahead in time, so didn’t the writers back themselves into yet another corner with that scene?
Since my last comment, I went back and watched it again and agree. Totally backed themselves in a corner, I think though ambigious, Robin and Ted are/were together at James’ wedding. TWoP is all over them being apart, but, I’m not buying it. The only reason I would have to believe they are “not together” is that they were sitting there slightly apart. They sure went out on the dance floor together quickly though. Too quick to be “just friends” imho.
The people over at TWoP caught the absence of the ring too, so, that is also a loop thrown at us. I’m going to have to rely on your eyes and HDTV, GMMR, in order to fully determine the rings on Marshmallow and Lilypad though haha.
I would have guessed that they weren’t still together. The whole theme of the show was couples stay in or go home early and Lily and Marshall left while Ted and Robin stayed, and they answered Marshall’s question seperately.
I can’t decide if they’re together, either, but I wondered about it even as I was watching it. I think it was ambiguous, too. But Robin did seem to be sitting a little apart from him (she could have been ON Ted’s lap, but she was just sort of leaning next to him), and they answered the going-home question separately, so if I had to guess, I would say no. Honestly, I hope they’re not together. That’s just a weird, forced pairing to me. Kinda creepy. But if they do break up and manage to stay as friendly as they looked there, then hats off to them.
Great recap, James! I’m starting to watch the show more just so I can read your recaps and make halfway intelligent comments 🙂
I wasn’t sure at first, but I think that Ted and Robin weren’t together, but obviously still close friends. I think they answered individually when Marshall asked if they wanted to split a cab rather than saying something about “we” are going to stay. (Am I remembering that correctly?)
But, I do think Marshall and Lily are married and maybe the ring thing was just an oversight. In any case, I thought the episode was great and I’m really loving this season.