“Extras” is Back this Sunday!!!
January 10, 2007 by Kath Skerry

Comedy genius Ricky Gervais is back for the second season of Extras this Sunday (Jan 14th at 10/9c) on HBO. Extras is one of the funniest things you will EVER see on TV. It’s most definitely appointment TV in my house and I’ve been anxiously awaiting the start of Season 2 for some time now. I bow at the altar of Ricky Gervais.
For you newbies, Extras let’s us look in on the life of Andy Millman (Gervais), a man in mid-life who chucked his 9-5 job to pursue his life long dreams of becoming an actor. While waiting for leading man roles to pour in, Andy makes his living as a film extra “background artist”. Always looking for his moment in the sun, Andy usually succeeds on making an impression. Unfortunately, it’s not always a good thing.
But has Andy’s big break finally come? Season two catches up with Andy who just sold a comedy pilot to a British network. Are the days of being a background artist in Andy’s past? And will Andy’s success extend to fellow extra Maggie (Ashley Jensen, Ugly Betty) and clueless agent Darren Lamb (show co-creator Stephen Merchant)?
More importantly, what A-list celebs will Andy bump into on his way to fame and fortune? Kate Winslet, Ben Stiller, and Morgan Freeman made cameos as distorted versions of themselves during the first season. Season two promises stars such as Orlando Bloom, Daniel Radcliffe, and David Bowie, among others.
Sunday night is quickly becoming a busy night for TV, but I will always make extra room for Extras (yes, I typed it…live with the cheesiness people…live with it)
Check out a sneak peek at S2 of Extras on HBO.com
More about Extras and co-creator Ricky Gervais after the jump.
The AV Club recently had a chance to speak with Mr. Gervais, and get his take his career and his unique style of comedy:
The A.V. Club: You’ve had a pretty varied career so far. Did you always intend not to focus on one thing?
Ricky Gervais: I didn’t even intend to do what I’m doing now. I think doing something creative is the most important thing to me, and I think it’s probably just good for the soul for anyone, whatever it is. You don’t have to be a film director—you can do gardening or something—but I think everyone needs to create something. I’ve always dabbled. I’ve always nearly written a book, I’ve always tried painting, I’ve always tried to make something out of ideas, really. It was never a plan. I never thought, “Right. First I’ll get famous, and then I’ll do a book. Then I’ll do a podcast.” I hadn’t heard of the word “podcast” a year ago. What I do next is never strategic. It’s never, “If I did this, then I’ll get that demographic, and then they’ll like me for this, and then I can do that.” I go, “I want to do this next. This is the thing that interests me most.” I’ve got the attention span of a 5-year-old, so that’s why I don’t hang around doing one thing for very long. I have to be excited, I have to have an adrenaline rush about doing something, or it bores me, I feel trapped. I’ve never regretted saying no to anything, or finishing something. When I’m in the middle of doing something I love, I can have a better idea, and I’ll go, “Oh God, I can’t finish this.” Maybe I’ve got some sort of disorder.
Read the rest of The AV Club’s interview with Ricky Gervais here
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I’m so excited that it will be on TV again. I love that the episodes are available on youtube but I like watching things on the boob tube better.
I just discovered this show. (No I don’t know where I’ve been.) It’s hilarious. It’s not about British humor vs. American humor. Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant are simply brilliantly hilarious. Everything they touch turns to gold.
I love that Ricky talks about everyone’s need to create. I read a book on the subject recently, and now I notice so many successful creative people use very similar language when they talk about art and creativity.
Anyway, great show, great news about its return.
It runs on CH in Canada starting tomorrow.
I’m gonna have to take a look.
YES! I love Extras!
I don’t have HBO 🙁 but I am glad that at least the first season is now on DVD – I have it coming up on my Netflix list, so I hope to watch it soon.
oh – I also wanted to add that I saw some clips of the ep with Daniel Radcliffe and as a huge Harry Potter fan, I have to say I was absolutely shocked at the “parody” of himself that he played, but of course it was completely hilarious!
I can’t wait!!! Just bought season 1 on DVD yesterday. I just loved Kate Winslet’s role: “I’d love it if you stuck your Willy Wonka in between my Oompa Loompas.” HAHAHA!!!
Extras is one of my favourite shows EVER! Season 2 is brilliant.
As an aside Stepehn Merchant won the Brisitsh Comedy Award (I think that’s what it was) for best comedy actor for his role as Darren Lamb (Andy’s agent).
It was actually Samuel L. Jackson who guest starred last season – Morgan Freeman was never on the show. Not that that wouldn’t be genius if he did.
Glad to see you’re plugging Extras though! This show is totally brilliant and hilarious. Ricky Gervais can do no wrong. 🙂
I knew about Extras since it began but I don’t have HBO. Season 1 is number 4 or so in my Netflix queue. 🙂
[…] Just a follow-up to yesterday’s post about Extras. Our friends over at HBO just let me know that the second season premiere episode of Extras is available NOW for download FREE at iTunes. Well, it looks like the rest of my day is shot now. Go. Watch. Love. Share GMMR with FriendsThese icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]