GMMR Forums & Request for Mod - Give Me My Remote : Give Me My Remote

GMMR Forums & Request for Mod

January 12, 2007 by  

Give Me My RemoteThanks to everyone that provided feedback on the GMMR Forums. I have decided to keep the forums live for now, and will work to do some “spring” cleaning and archive old discussions, etc.

But here’s where I need your help. I’m looking for one or two GMMR moderators to help keep the forums going. There’s not much to this job. It’s just reviewing new registrations when they come through (takes just a second), and keeping peace and order on the boards (which is easy since people are really chill in the GMMR forums). I would also ask that maybe once a week the moderators share with the rest of the GMMR readers what’s happening in the forums. Hot topics, featured forum, poster. Just something to remind people why they should head over there and chat.

If you are interested, please let me know ASAP.

Filed under TV News


14 Responses to “GMMR Forums & Request for Mod”

  1. alexa on January 12th, 2007 9:54 am

    I would help out, if you don’t have any other, more special people ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. kilwiggle7 on January 12th, 2007 9:58 am

    I’d be happy to help out if you need. I spend enough time on this site as it is, moderating would at least give me a “reason” to be on here ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy Friday!!!

  3. Jenafur on January 12th, 2007 10:21 am

    I would love to help out with the forums, it sounds like a lot of fun. Like kilwiggle, I am here all of the time reading the posts and forums so moderating would be perfect for me. GMMR is such a fun site, I’m sure you will have tons of people willing to help out.

  4. Lauren (GeekCheek) on January 12th, 2007 11:19 am

    You’ve already got a bunch of responses, but you know me, I’m always here if you need me.

  5. Jim Mosby on January 12th, 2007 11:54 am

    Just like GC, you know I’m really busy but i’ll pitch in and help if you need some help…..

  6. coloradokila on January 12th, 2007 11:56 am

    This would be a great “job” for me.
    Would gladly take this on – let us know what you decide.

  7. GMMR on January 12th, 2007 11:58 am

    Thanks to all of you for responding. I’m sure the site could benefit from having a few moderators. We are throwing around the idea of maybe going to new forums all together. It might wipe out the existing posts but it would be a fresh start. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

  8. kilwiggle7 on January 12th, 2007 12:27 pm

    hey GMMR… i think that if the existing posts are going to be wiped out, maybe wait until the end of the spring season… maybe around the end of may or so. that way, postsers won’t lose their posts halfway through the season…

    am i making any sense?

  9. samsmom on January 12th, 2007 2:59 pm

    If you still need mods, I would be more than happy to help. I have nothing going on (except raising a 3 year old), so I have lots of free time.

  10. Lauren on January 13th, 2007 2:38 am

    Hi GMMR!
    I will totally help out on the boards! I like you guys so much more than imdb because the quality of the comments proves that everyone on this site is a true fan. Also, I will be graduating in March and have some time off from school. I am looking for some fun things to take up my time during this break. Are you looking for any more people to write recaps, or update the TV celebrity gossip parts of the cite? I would love to be a part of it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Lauren on January 13th, 2007 3:07 am

    ps: Oh, and just so you know, I am a certified American idol junkie. With the new season starting soon, I could totally help out in that area! (recaps, contestant news, etc.) ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. Brian on January 13th, 2007 10:55 am

    You can throw my name into the hat to help out any way I can. I likes to be useful.

  13. Mel aka foggymoontour on January 13th, 2007 6:14 pm

    It sounds like you have things covered, but I’d be happy to help out as well.

  14. Yvette on January 13th, 2007 6:42 pm

    It seems like quite a few people already want to help but I would love to help also.